Gemini and who fits the Gemini

May 21 - Jun 20

The weekly horoscope Gemini tells you what to expect this week.
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The weeklyhoroscope Gemini up to and including
Saturday 27/07/2024

This week too you’ll most probably be taking rational decisions while your intuition tells you that it is better to follow another path. This may happen in a variety of contexts.
If you have shares in a business, you feel that you won’t gain anything by them and probably even lose some money. Yet on purely rational grounds you decide to take certain steps. In the field of love you ‘know’ deep within yourself that this Cancer is not at all interested in you. Yet you make a frantic attempt to make a good impression on her or him.
It’s therefore high time, dear Gemini that you start listening to your inner voice which warned you to do something or to refrain from doing something and which you have neglected time and again.
In the course of the week the position of the stars in your horoscope is such Gemini that there is no getting around it any longer. You simply must start listening to your feelings. You’d better do this, unless you enjoy chastising yourself.

In Spanish it is:
Probablemente también esta semana estés tomando decisiones racionales mientras tu intuición te dice que es mejor seguir otro camino. Esto puede suceder en diversos contextos.
Si tienes acciones en una empresa, sientes que no ganarás nada con ellas y probablemente incluso perderás algo de dinero. Sin embargo, por motivos puramente racionales decides dar ciertos pasos. En el campo del amor, ‘sabes’ en lo más profundo de ti mismo que este Cancer no está interesado en ti en absoluto. Sin embargo, haces un intento desesperado por causarle una buena impresión.
Por lo tanto, ya es hora, querido Gemini, de que empieces a escuchar tu voz interior que te advirtió que hicieras algo o que te abstuvieras de hacer algo y que has descuidado una y otra vez.
A lo largo de la semana la posición de los astros en tu horóscopo es tal Gemini que ya no hay forma de evitarlo. Simplemente debes empezar a escuchar tus sentimientos. Será mejor que hagas esto, a menos que disfrutes castigándote a ti mismo.



Who matches with the Gemini?

Gemini and Aries:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

They go well with Gemini. He or she will give you the air you need to keep the fire of Aries burning. This is a great match and you’re complimenting yourself almost constantly. You have a lot in common and you will find that your Aries lover can turn you on a lot. Cheers under the wool!
Your need for communication is balanced. Admittedly, Aries is more passionate and adventurous than Gemini and Aries awakens that in Gemini too.

Aries is also naturally a bit more aggressive than Gemini, which is what makes them so exciting for you. Neither of you is particularly emotional, neither needy nor jealous. Does that make Aries one of the Gemini partners?
Neither of you wants a really committed relationship, but you can’t live without each other either. Quitting is not an end in itself for either of you, although it often ends well. And if not, none of you have a problem with it.
Who fits Gemini? The Aries? Might be!


Gemini and Taurus:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

The Gemini prefers to be a free person. Geminis sometimes get a bad rap for leading double lives, but the truth is they will settle for the right match. In Taurus, Gemini is initially attracted by their shared zest for life. Both are perennial optimists who endure well into adulthood and retain a childlike sense of adventure.
Where they do clash, however, is that Taurus can’t or won’t always keep up with Gemini’s cultural interests. Taurus doesn’t have this constant need for novelty and analysis. The bottom line is that unless these two have the same taste, it will be difficult for them not to get bored and frustrated.

Read the weeklyhoroscope Gemini next week too!



Gemini and Gemini:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

You’re both quite restless and you can be a little less stable with each other. In many ways this relationship lends itself to being a non-loving couple,
you have a busy lifestyle so chances are you will have little time together in the long run.
Two twins, on the other hand, get along better than any other couple, but it can also feel like there are four people in the relationship. Gemini 1 and Gemini 2 and then from both sides. Everything can always change. From each other’s sex positions to complicated rules in their relationship and both who’s right for the Gemini? Geminis feel free to always be themselves. That can set off fireworks in the relationship.


Gemini and Cancer:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

The sentimental Cancer needs to feel emotionally secure and connected in a relationship, and he and she lead with their hearts while Gemini leads with their heads. In order for their relationship to last, both of them have to adapt a little. The Gemini will almost never change for anyone. The best Cancer can do is give Gemini enough freedom.
The Gemini needs to keep it interesting and the Cancer needs to be heard and felt. If they give each other enough freedom and understanding, they can be like children in love and therefore Cancer can be one of the Gemini partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Gemini has a new forecast for you every sunday.


Gemini and Leo:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

These two can easily attract the attention of others as soon as they enter the room. So it’s not surprising when they manage to take each other to heart. The compatibility rate of Leo and Gemini is good: the woman takes on the supporting role and perfectly supports her Leo.
They are a very good match sexually as Gemini gives them relationship ideas and excitement while Leo brings energy, creativity and love. If the Leo feels comfortable in intimate relationships with his Gemini, they give him stability as a lasting sign and the chance to stay together for a very long time.

Both Gemini and Leo can be poor listeners when it comes to the needs of others. One is distracted by everything and the other only focuses on their own needs. This can put them in a situation where their relationship is no longer trusting and it may take them a while to realize it. It’s important that you listen to each other from the beginning of your relationship so that you are both able to meet your partner’s needs instead of letting them down.
Gemini and Leo are both rational and focused on their mental activity. If they are in an emotional relationship with each other, they will likely talk about anything but their feelings.

Leo may need that, but Gemini is easily tempted to go in a different direction.
Who fits Gemini? The Leo? Could be!


Gemini and Virgo

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

Virgo can do wonders to motivate Gemini as he very often gets confused on many fronts. Virgos can be very hard on themselves, even after a minor setback. This is where their Gemini partner helps them a lot by getting them to look at the bigger picture. Gemini brings excitement into Virgo’s life as she teaches Virgo why it’s important to relax every once in a while.
Both Gemini and Virgo easily converse with each other and with others on almost every level. They have no problem sharing the smallest things. Virgo is therefore one of the possible Gemini partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Gemini has a new forecast for you every sunday.


Gemini and Libra:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

Gemini is a stubborn partner and Libra tends to be critical of many things their partner says. While for the most part Gemini will simply follow their rational nature and make comments, Libra will find it difficult to name some of the arguments that they might also come up with.
Gemini and Libra can have very hurtful and difficult communication with each other because there is a mutual lack of tolerance. The Gemini is not quick to accept that they lack tolerance. Libras are hurt enough by the pressure on their personality most of the time, even if Gemini means that or nothing wrong.
Libra can learn from a teacher, but hardly from the know-it-all Gemini.


Gemini and Scorpio:

Weeklyhoroscope Gemini

Gemini can be very attractive to Scorpio: Gemini are charming, intriguing, and most importantly, mentally elusive. Gemini will have a hard time understanding you, and their “depth” in this area can be a misleading omen.
The Gemini person is an easy, fun, and social partner who is most likely not on your emotional level about the relationship.
Scorpio may soon realize that Gemini is pretty shallow by their standards. When it comes to communication, people often move on different wavelengths.

They like the intense and direct approach, and the Gemini likes anything but that. The Gemini can be very playful and often in the most unlikely of moments! Areas like socializing and friends can be a hot topic in a Scorpio-Gemini relationship. Gemini likes both, Scorpio doesn’t. Scorpio likes some privacy and also wants some time to themselves and recharge, while Gemini really prefers to be out in the world and playing with people.
Who fits Gemini? Scorpio is probably one of the trickier Gemini partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Gemini has a new forecast for you next week too. Read it!


Gemini and Sagittarius:


Gemini and Sagittarius each have what the other lacks. Half the time this couple can’t stand each other. ( e.g. Jolie and Pitt) But the other half? It’s amazing enough to make you believe in magic. When a Sagittarius and a Gemini click, it’s the fireworks you’ve ever seen before. The only problem? They can block each other’s differences from ever getting a chance to resolve them. You just see it too late.

Gemini and Sagittarius can be great partners. Whether in friendship, love or marriage. Although their natures are somewhat opposite, the partnership between Gemini and Sagittarius is often held in high esteem. Much of the credit goes to the shooter. Sagittarius is stable and conservative while Gemini can be playful and serious.

While they can be at odds with such contrasts, Sagittarius will easily impress Gemini. However, Sagittarius needs to consider their personality traits and how they communicate.


Gemini and Capricorn:


At first, you’re likely to be drawn to Gemini ‘s quick wit, smart sense of humor, and easy personality. He or she is a partner who lives to have fun. This can be a problem if you’re a Capricorn with a strict “work first, play later” attitude.
By Capricorn standards, Gemini often prefer a rather wild and reckless lifestyle in contrast to Capricorn. Gemini is also known to enjoy playing games within a relationship, and some of these can annoy Capricorn. She values security and loyalty and most Geminis can easily make their partners jealous!

While you both often work hard, Gemini isn’t usually as ambitious as Capricorn, preferring lucky strikes to old-fashioned hard work. Money can be an issue in this relationship. Capricorn likes to keep it, while Gemini prefers to spend it.

The weeklyhoroscope Gemini has a new forecast for you every sunday. Do not miss it.


Gemini and Aquarius:


Aquarius is original. He and she are interesting, but also say what they mean. Aquarius wants to be free, but at the same time he and she also want a committed relationship. Therefore, the Gemini person is the perfect complement. They give each other space, and disagreements rarely escalate into heated arguments. And if so, then it’ll be fine again soon.

Both signs tend to avoid getting bogged down in emotion, and while that may be acceptable in a practical sense, it introduces a sense of detachment in their relationship. That’s why it’s important for Gemini and Aquarius to find a way to express their feelings naturally. It is important to these two zodiac signs that a relationship thrives on both physical and emotional intimacy.
Therefore, as time goes on, Aquarius needs to open up more in the relationship. Gemini needs to control his extreme moods. This will encourage Aquarius to break through the emotional blocks to letting their partner in.

Who fits Gemini? Aquarius is one of the possible Gemini partners.


Gemini and Pisces:


The Gemini will be by the standards of the Pisces being far too active a partner while Pisces isn’t a wallflower. In addition, Gemini are intellectual and analytical thinkers while Pisces are more emotional.
They are both flexible. That’s generally a good thing, but you can both be undecided and there’s a chance no decision will be made. Do not let that happen!
The biggest problem in this relationship is that Gemini is an extremely dynamic person who can change their minds by the minute. Pisces is very emotional and sensitive and both of you need to be mindful of that.

The weeklyhoroscope Gemini has a new forecast for you. Do not miss it.

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