Leo and who fits the Leo

July 23 - Aug 22

The weeklyhoroscope Leo tells you what to expect this week.
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Your weeklyhoroscope Leo up to and including
Saturday 27/07/2024

You’ll look back with pleasure to the months and #month9#, dear Leo. Even though not everything was smooth sailing all the way, you are justified in saying that generally speaking it was a pleasant period in your life.
This makes you long for the times when you had many different encounters with people you had never met before. As far as this is concerned, the real Leo will soon be really enjoying him- or herself again, because will be just as much fun for the Leo as was.
An old love of yours will cross your path and be very friendly towards you. Your feelings will frighten both you and him or her.
If you have a partner already, it is wise to inform him or her about this encounter. The news will otherwise reach the ‘home front’ via someone else and then the fat will be in the fire.
The housing market may have your warm attention at the moment.

In Spanish it is:
Recordarás con placer los meses y #month9#, querido Leo. Aunque no todo fue sobre ruedas, tienes razón al decir que En general fue un período agradable en tu vida.
Esto te hace añorar los tiempos en los que tuviste muchos encuentros diferentes con personas que nunca antes habías conocido. En lo que a esto se refiere, el verdadero Leo pronto volverá a divertirse, porque será igual de divertido para el como lo fue .
Un viejo amor tuyo se cruzará en tu camino y será muy amigable contigo. Tus sentimientos te asustarán tanto a ti como a él o ella.
Si ya tienes pareja, es aconsejable informarle sobre este encuentro. De lo contrario, la noticia llegará al ‘frente interno’ a través de otra persona y entonces la grasa estará en el fuego.
Es posible que el mercado inmobiliario atraiga su atención en este momento.



Who matches with the Leo?

Leo and Aries:

weeklyhoroscope Leo
Sunsign Aries

They are a great match for a Leo. You are both fire signs. That means you can flame both, but the flames also go out just as easily and then all is well. Because continuing to sulk is not an option for either of you.
This is potentially a fantastic match. Leo with Aries will get along without any real problems. They have personalities that complement each other well and simply. You are both quite aggressive, selfish and passionate, but above all funny. They can always inspire each other and hide each other’s weaknesses.

They both want to lead and that doesn’t bother them, contrary to what often leads to rivalry and discord with others. The best approach is to get Aries to believe that everything is their idea. If Leo masters this skill, it will do a lot of good for your relationship!
There is a possible dissonance. Aries doesn’t want to know if you’ve had a sexual topper before! So dear Leo, shut up.
Who fits the Leo? This answer is clear.


Leo and Taurus:

weeklyhoroscope Leo

Taurus is an earth sign that Leo has a lot of harmonious energy with. Earth signs aren’t generally known for being emotionally savvy, but Taurus’ secretive sensitive side can bring a lot of warm, fuzzy feelings into the relationship. Taurus is dependable and will never suddenly change things or change plans, which Leo appreciates. When a Leo/Taurus relationship gets serious, they both really do whatever it takes to make it work.
However, Leo loves the good life and Taurus never renounces earthly pleasures like good food or bubble baths.

You would think these two could bond over their shared love of luxury, but since Leo and Taurus are both strong zodiac signs, they could be in constant conflict. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the
planet of decadence and love. Sure, Taurus likes the idea of romance, but they’re dead serious about bonding. Leo, on the other hand, is ruled more by the fiery passion of the Sun. This bold sign is charming in social situations, but they can be a bit of a control freak.

The weeklyhoroscope Leo has a new prediction for you every week.


Leo and Gemini:

weeklyhoroscope Leo

These two can easily attract the attention of others as soon as they enter the room. So it’s not surprising when they manage to take each other to heart. The Leo and Gemini compatibility rate is good; the woman takes on the supporting role and supports her Leo perfectly.
They are very well matched sexually as Gemini brings ideas and excitement to their relationship while Leo brings energy, creativity and love. If the Leo feels comfortable in intimate relationships with his Gemini, they give him stability as a lasting sign and the chance to stay together for a very long time.

Both Gemini and Leo can be poor listeners when it comes to the needs of others. One is distracted by everything and the other only focuses on their own needs. This can put them in a situation where their relationship is no longer trusting and it may take them a while to realize it. It’s important that you listen to each other from the beginning of your relationship so that you are both able to meet your partner’s needs instead of letting them down.
Gemini and Leo are both rational and focused on their mental activity. If they are in an emotional relationship with each other, they will likely talk about anything but their feelings.
Leo may need that, but Gemini is easily tempted to go in a different direction.


Leo and Cancer:

weeklyhoroscope Leo

The Leo man has and has nothing to do with astrology. Cancer does, and you will be fine as long as you avoid this topic. The lobster is a little more sensitive than this lion.
Under stress, Leo becomes stubborn and stubborn and Cancer can act as a subtle manipulative personality. The lion is working hard to complete the plans.
Whereas Cancer, given a choice, would choose a quiet and stable life without glamour.

Leo, on the other hand, likes to shake things up and embrace the unexpected, the romance and the greatness of life. While a Leo and a Cancer can emotionally venture into a relationship, each of them can continue to follow their natural instincts. However, if they haven’t made their love intentions clear, they can find themselves on a never-ending emotional rollercoaster ride.
Who fits the lion? a lobster? Maybe!
The weeklyhoroscope Leo has a new prediction for you. Do not miss it!


Leo and Leo:

weeklyhoroscope Leo

This is a royal couple. They are full of charisma and charm. Of course there will be drama between them. When you connect two fire signs together, you will definitely see fireworks. In a romantic relationship, their sparks are best manifested when both of them are doing something creative together, like making music, dancing, or practicing something art-related.

Leos are in love with themselves! It is wonderful to see two selfish and incurable zodiac kings who call themselves kings of the zodiac worship each other as heroes in a relationship. Leos spare no effort to glorify themselves.
When two lions meet, one sees a happy, cheerful and playful social life.
This couple often forms a thoroughly romantic and erotic love affair!


Leo and Virgo:

weeklyhoroscope Leo

Virgo offers a healthy dose of realism in the life of Leo that this Leo sometimes needs. Taking responsibility is one of Leo’s favorite pastimes, but Virgos show they care by helping you put things in order! They will help you take better care of yourself and in return you will give them a constant source of affection and gratitude.
When what appears to be the most confident and outgoing Leo in the zodiac meets shy perfectionist Virgo, sparks may not fly. These two zodiac signs don’t have much in common. Leo is very flashy and likes grand gestures, while Virgo is more reserved and practical. Fiery Leo tends to be self-centered, while earthy Virgo lives to serve others. It’s a competition that shouldn’t work, but that’s partly hypocrisy. These fire and earth signs have more in common.

Although a Virgo represents purity, her or his sexual desires are surprisingly primary. In the case of the lion, it shines from afar. They are both perfectionists who don’t mind making an effort during sex, focus on it and are always looking for ways to improve.

The weeklyhoroscope Leo has a new prediction for you. Read it!


Leo and Libra:

weeklyhoroscope Leo

The relationship between Leo and Libra is incredible. She can set the pace or support her fiery partner. When Libra showers him with love, care and affection, he will never run away from Libra. They get into trouble when it comes to money and supporting each other’s careers. While both respect each other’s privacy, neither is ever particularly excited about starting a family together. In general, Leo and Libra make an exciting couple, but the question is will it last? While it is certainly possible, keeping the fire burning in this relationship is no easy task.
Who fits the Leo? The scales? Not everyday.


Leo and Scorpio:


No one is as loyal to their partner and friends as Scorpio. It is a trait that makes Leo feel secure. Since the Scorpio is more intent on meeting their own needs than the needs of the Leo or anyone else, conflicts can arise. The Scorpio can resent disagreements and convince the Leo again and again until he/she prevails.
Leo and Scorpio easily settle their differences in sleeping quarters, but lovemaking doesn’t bring them closer together in the long run. When Leo stops responding to Scorpio’s initiatives, the emotional distance between them grows. It can even go as far as disappointing Scorpio because Leo doesn’t match the picture he or she had in mind.
The weeklyhoroscope Leo has a new prediction for you every week


Leo and Sagittarius:


Both are fire signs. The fire sign Leo exudes color and creativity, making it endlessly fascinating for a Sagittarius always trying to learn more. While the adaptable Sagittarius has an insatiable desire to travel near and far, the sedentary Leo offers a home so captivating that a Sagittarius would rather stay at home than venture out. Think of these two as a jeweled crown of gold. Sagittarius is a jewel and Leo is the gold. And the erotic insatiability of Sagittarius is in good hands with this Leo.
Who fits the Leo ? The shooter? Good chance!


Leo and Capricorn:


Leo is ruled by the Sun and Capricorn by Saturn. But despite all similarities, they are not always balanced. The Sun gives Leo confidence and leadership qualities. Capricorn is more conventional and also tends to hold grudges for a long time. Leo and Capricorn can have completely different views on life.
Therefore, the merging of these two signs is not always easy. But relationships can be strengthened through mutual understanding and empathy. The positive traits of this Fire-Earth couple may even help them create a good life and bright future for themselves.

The similarities between Leo and Capricorn can be difficult. These signs are characterized by kindness, ambition, determination and loyalty to loved ones. The qualities of trustworthiness and generosity are also common to both. But Capricorn can fight with Leo’s flamboyant qualities. Instead, Capricorn revolves around simple things, avoiding Leo’s theatrical “actions” whenever possible.
The weeklyhoroscope Leo has a nice prediction for you every week.


Leo and Aquarius:


Despite some differences in some aspects, they always find each other attractive. This is the pair’s opposite attraction, and these two reflect two sides of the same coin. While light-hearted Aquarius is the thinker and observer in this relationship, fiery Leo is, of course, the performer. By balancing and holding each other properly, they will have a long lasting marriage.
Aquarius and Leo are stubborn zodiac signs, but they get along well when they focus on their partner’s needs.

An Aquarius can come across as emotionally distant, especially as they value their space. Since Leo is more in touch with their feelings, they may think that Aquarius is cold or distant. Leo thrives on being seen and appreciated, which can create friction. Aquarius may think Leo is overly dramatic at times.
Who fits the Leo? The Aquarius? Then just read everything again!


Leo and Pisces:


Although he often doesn’t believe in astrology at all, Leo considers himself the king of the zodiac. The fish is almost impossible to catch.
Not only because of this, their love relationship is full of passion, warmth and dynamism. They are both expressive when it comes to revealing their feelings to each other. Pisces are drawn to Leo’s visible and dominating strength and determination, while Leo is drawn to Pisces’ warm and compassionate nature.

They both believe that love has secret powers that fill their lives. Both will do anything to make and keep their partners happy and to feel loved in their relationship. Leo will appreciate this quality of Pisces.
However, the Leo constantly seeks the attention of his partner and that is not always easy for the Pisces man. Pisces has a different pace than Leo and that can sometimes collide. They easily communicate with each other, which means they can bridge differences in insights.

The weeklyhoroscope Leo has a new prediction for you every week. Please come back!

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