Pisces and who fits the Pisces

Feb 19 - Mar 20

The weeklyhoroscope Pisces tells you what to expect this week.
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The weeklyhoroscope Pisces up to and including
Saturday 27/07/2024

Your intuition is in excellent shape, dear Pisces. You are the person someone in trouble should seek out for advice this week. Use your intuition too when you have to take decisions about matters which have a long lasting effect. You should then completely exclude any rational thoughts and only follow your feelings. Listening to your feelings will, in the end, be much more profitable than taking rational decisions.
If you drew up a financial plan in , the time is now ripe to show the results to the people around you. They always believed that you were no good at money matters. They’ll now have to admit that you know quite a bit about financial affairs.



Who matches with the Pisces

Pisces and Aries:
Weeklyhoroscope pisces

You both have to make compromises and find consensus in each other and you are quite attracted to each other. The Aries will no doubt mean well but emotionally they have a habit of trampling on anything that gets in their way.
Some Pisces’ doesn’t need that. Once the initial tension subsides, there’s a good chance that Aries will get bored with Pisces’ romantic, sensitive nature and be less concerned with controlling their fiery nature.
Many compromises are necessary in this respect.

It is and will always be a water-fire relationship. The answer to the question: who goes with the Pisces is not answered so quickly.
Weeklyhoroscope Pisces has a section where you can read who suits you.

Pisces and Taurus:
Weeklyhoroscope pisces

With the Taurus it can be a very good match as long as they continue to appreciate each other’s strengths and are unwilling to change. They will try this sooner than the Pisces.
The Taurus partners quickly want a solid bond in the relationship. They get along well and have strengths in areas that the other lacks. Over time the Taurus will likely feel that the Pisces are not practical or responsible enough.
Both are passionate, romantic, caring and loyal.

Pisces dislikes confrontations and is slightly more flexible than Taurus. The positive aspects of this are that the Taurus gives the Pisces stability, which makes Pisces feel secure. However, the Taurus is a dominant partner. Even if that doesn’t seem to be the case. He is quite materialistic underwater, while Pisces seems not to be at all.
They have a great match when it comes to sex, although they have very different ways of experiencing it. Who goes with the Pisces? The Taurus just might.


Pisces and Gemini:
Weeklyhoroscope pisces

A Gemini will be far too active a partner by Pisces standards, while Pisces is no wallflower. In addition the Gemini is an intellectual and analytical thinker while Pisces are more emotional.
They are both flexible and that is generally a good thing, but you can both be undecided and there’s a chance no decision will be made. Do not let that happen!

The biggest problem in this relationship is that Gemini is an extremely dynamic person who can change their minds by the minute. Pisces are very emotional and sensitive and both of you need to be mindful of that.


Pisces and Cancer:
Weeklyhoroscope pisces

With a Cancer it means a lot of cheering under the wool and that seems to be enough for a long and balanced relationship. The Cancer takes sex seriously and uses it to strengthen emotional bonds. You are both so intuitive that you know what the other wants. They can be romantic and sentimental and get along, which gives you the stability you need in a relationship.

The Cancer is an emotional but sometimes moody person, depending on the phase of the moon, and they need someone to keep up with that. Pisces can do what makes them an ideal partner for Cancer.
A Cancer reacts slower than Pisces, which has already landed in the next conversation while Cancer is still thinking about the previous conversation. The weeklyhoroscope Pisces has this section where you can read who suits you.

Financially, the Cancer is a planner for the future to build some security, while the Pisces is unlikely to do either. As a partner, you are therefore an excellent match, because this supplement exists.
You both enjoy your home and therefore quickly prefer to stay at home to going out.
In short: a beautiful combination! Who goes with the fish? The cancer might well.

Pisces and Leo:
Weeklyhoroscope pisces

The Leo, although often not a believer in astrology at all, consider himself the king of the zodiac. Pisces is almost impossible to catch.
Not only because of this, their love relationship is full of passion, warmth and dynamism. They are both expressive when it comes to revealing their feelings to each other. Most Pisces are drawn to Leo’s visible and dominating strength and determination, while the Leo is drawn to the Pisces’ warm and compassionate nature.

They both believe that love has secret powers that fill their lives. Both will do anything to make and keep their partners happy and to feel loved in their relationship. The Leo will appreciate this quality of the Pisces.
However, Leo constantly seeks the attention of his partner and that is not always easy for the Pisces man. Pisces has a different pace than Leo and that can sometimes collide. They easily communicate with each other, which means they can bridge differences in insights.
Who fits the Pisces? Is Leo one of the possible Pisces partners?


Pisces and Virgo:
Weeklyhoroscope pisces

The Virgo is a solid, stable foundation for the more emotional Pisces. Pisces
brings kindness and an emotional depth that Virgo appreciates. As well the  Pisces and the Virgo’s generally like to have a healthy relationship with each other. They are directly opposite each other in the circle of the zodiac and are therefore usually well balanced as one makes up for the lacking qualities of the other.
Most Virgo’s love material comfort and sometimes cannot always understand Pisces’ attitude towards it. Their desires in life can be very different, but if they can bridge that difference, their relationship will be extremely good.

They are an easygoing, pleasant duo and often spend their time helping others and each other. You bring it together. Both also worship each other. Some strive for a harmonious relationship and are likeable people at heart. Virgo can help Pisces turn dreams and desires into reality.
In this section the weeklyhoroscope Pisces you can read who suits you.



Pisces and Libra:
weeklyhoroscope Pisces

Libra and Pisces can build a very balanced romance together. Both zodiac signs are geared towards the aesthetic side of life. They also have a lot to offer each other.
Pisces and Libra are good friends, but certainly also each other’s lovers. They understand each other. Problems between the two are rare, but Libra can sometimes manipulate too much for Pisces. You can be indecisive and tend to work in multiple directions at once.


When they fight, they tend to be quick to forgive and forget. Libras hate arguments and will do almost anything to avoid them. Pisces has a great capacity for empathy and can forgive out of understanding of their partner’s position.


Pisces and Scorpio:
weeklyhoroscope Pisces

It is generally accepted among astrologers that Scorpio and Pisces are a perfect match. The Scorpio is therefore one of the possible good Pisces partners. This pairing can make others quite jealous as they connect on a very deep and satisfying level. Although both are extremely possessive, this can strengthen the relationship. Since Pisces and Scorpio are both ruled by water, they relate to each other almost effortlessly. Both understand the beliefs and values each holds and have a consistent sense of respect for one another.

They believe they are based on intuition and instinct. This is the reason for their enormous attraction to each other and is also responsible for the togetherness between Scorpio and Pisces.
Scorpio’s strong and mysterious personality attracts Pisces, while Pisces’ kind and compassionate demeanor attracts Scorpio. Pisces and Scorpio have the mutual attraction of acquaintance and it is constantly growing.
Scorpio’s erratic behavior and complex personality can be frustrating for most zodiac signs, but it doesn’t deter Pisces in the slightest. Pisces is a gentle, kind, and patient sign that has the potential to break through the walls around Scorpio’s emotional side. Who goes with the fish? Scorpio has a good candidate for a Pisces partner.

The weeklyhoroscope Pisces has this section where you can read who suits you.


Pisces and Sagittarius:

Because Pisces don’t like confrontation and can’t stand indifference, a relationship with Sagittarius usually doesn’t go well together. However, Pisces and Sagittarius come from two opposite sides of the zodiac, and while they may have different personality traits, when they come together they form a solid bond and bond. When in love, these two zodiac signs are compassionate and passionate.


Once Pisces and Sagittarius start flirting, they’ll have a hard time keeping their hands off each other. They will make endless efforts to ensure that they see or meet each other often or every day. Both signs are attracted to each other instantly, and there’s an unmistakable spark from their first interaction. Pisces and Sagittarius often find each other very attractive, and the chemistry they share is exciting and compelling.

The Pisces are patient and calm, while the Sagittarius is busy with too many things and is constantly hyperactive. Despite opposing moral concepts and beliefs, they always find reciprocity and fit together perfectly.
The weeklyhoroscope Pisces has this section where you can read who suits you.


Pisces and Capricorn:

Capricorn appreciates the friendly nature of Pisces and Pisces is attracted to Capricorn’s quick wit and discipline.
Most Capricorns are a level-headed and highly disciplined workers with a very high work ethic. Their goal is to achieve something in life. The Pisces is emotional and likes to talk to the people around them. This couple is honest and can stand up for each other.

They admire each other.
This relationship can develop slowly. Over time, this relationship can grow stronger. They can put their heads together and achieve their common goal. Difficulties can arise when Capricorn becomes too dominant for the sensitive Pisces. Pisces needs to understand that this is the Capricorn style.
Most Pisces’ like to spoil Capricorn with their desire for domestic happiness and their need for a tidy house with material goods.


Pisces and Aquarius:

The similarities between Aquarius ( air sign ) and Pisces ( water sign ) can be faint – or strong. It’s hard to say how these two signs will react to each other. Aquarius needs a lot of space while Pisces is possessive and that can quite clash.
Both Zodiac signs are dreamers who want to make the world a better place. They can have conversations about how they can change society. However, both take no action. Both will only talk about their dreams without making any effort to achieve those goals. Aquarius and Pisces are better off with friends who actively encourage them.

Pisces and Aquarius get along well in the bedroom, but they can have problems in other areas. The Pisces do not want to commit to an Aquarius because the Aquarius will flee if they feel suffocated. You need a lot of space and time for yourself. For a relationship between these signs to work, Pisces need to give their partner more space than usual. And the Aquarius needs to open up more than usual. Both must make changes for the sake of the relationship.
The weeklyhoroscope Pisces has this section where you can read who suits you.


Pisces and Pisces:

Pisces are the most dreamy, imaginative and gentle people of the zodiac. When two Pisces are together they will conjure up fantasies, emotions and the like for hours. You will have an incredibly beautiful relationship with each other. They will always wonder what the future holds, why they are here and how they can make the world a better place.

Pisces are intuitive at the same time and always want to help others. The love between the two will be able to satisfy each other’s needs all the time because they will both give. Sometimes this relationship needs help to lay the groundwork and ensure practical issues are resolved. However, when you live so much in the imagination, normal daily tasks can be forgotten. Who goes with the Pisces? Answer: Another Pisces could very well be.

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