Scorpio and who fits the Scorpio

Oct 23 - Nov 21

The weeklyhoroscope Scorpio tells you what to expect this week.
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The weeklyhoroscope Scorpio up to and including
Saturday 27/07/2024

Usually you think you are a logical thinking person dear , but this week it will be a bit different. You could think more like a mystic with a high intuition. It is therefore much more active than in recent weeks. Hardly anyone knows why that is, but you do.
You will soon be getting a new piece of equipment for work and that will make you feel like you got a new toy. You want to constantly play with it and discover its possibilities. Even if you are watching TV in the evening, it can still occupy you. Make sure you don’t lose your head because of it.
An unexpected invitation may lead you to meet people from the medical field by then. Make sure to remember their names immediately. That can sometimes be a problem for you. You will succeed if you understand their name well and immediately come up with a mnemonic because you know someone else by that name.

In Spanish it is:
Por lo general, crees que eres una persona con pensamiento lógico, querido , pero esta semana será un poco diferente. Podrías pensar más como un místico con una gran intuición. Por tanto, está mucho más activo que en las últimas semanas. Casi nadie sabe por qué es así, pero tú sí.
Pronto recibirás un nuevo equipo para trabajar y eso te hará sentir como si tuvieras un juguete nuevo. Quieres jugar constantemente con él y descubrir sus posibilidades. Incluso si estás viendo la televisión por la noche, aún puede ocuparte. Asegúrate de no perder la cabeza por eso.
Una invitación inesperada puede llevarte a conocer gente del campo médico para entonces. Asegúrese de recordar sus nombres inmediatamente. A veces eso puede ser un problema para ti. Tendrá éxito si comprende bien su nombre e inmediatamente se le ocurre un mnemotécnico porque conoce a alguien más con ese nombre.



Who matches with the Scorpio?

Scorpio and Aries:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

Aries with Scorpio is an explosive match. So be careful! Sooner or later you will find that you, Scorpio, have a much deeper emotional level than him.
They both want to be in control and are strong willed. Aries will try to get the upper hand aggressively, while Scorpio will try to do so more covertly and passively.

Scorpio will drive you insane with their jealousy, insight and inquisitive eyes. The good news is that you are an open person by nature, so you will particularly like what you find. But before you know it, this partner understands you better than you understand yourself. You’ll know it’s for the right reasons, which makes it both flattering and annoying.

Read your weeklyhoroscope Scorpio here next week too!



Scorpio and Taurus:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

As a Scorpio, you get along quite well with Taurus. This Taurus is practical, loyal and reliable in their relationships.
There will be plenty of sexual chemistry. Within the Zodiac you are polar opposites and you will find each other both fascinating and frustrating. You both can learn endlessly from each other.The Scorpio will enjoy the Taurus’ stability and reliability. Taurus brings out the best in Scorpio.

The Scorpio will enjoy Taurus’ openness and most importantly, how little they expect from you in return.
On the surface you are very similar, but underneath you are very different.
Scorpio’s jealousy may clash with Taurus’ stubbornness, but you’re both so loyal that it shouldn’t be a big deal. You also have an equal level of possessiveness, which probably makes you feel more comfortable than most other couples. The Scorpio is passionate and emotional while the Taurus is sensual and down to earth. This is a great game!

But beware of collisions! You both can be incredibly stubborn and would do well to direct it in the right direction!
Who is a good match for Scorpio? A Taurus might be the one.
The weeklyhoroscope Scorpio has this section where you can read who suits you.


Scorpio and Gemini:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

The Gemini can be very attractive Scorpio partners. He is charming, intriguing and, most importantly, mentally elusive. Geminis will be difficult for you to understand and their “depth” in this area can be a misleading omen.
They are an easy, fun and social partners That are most likely not on your emotional level regarding the relationship.
The Scorpio may soon realize that the Gemini is pretty shallow by their standards. When it comes to communication, some people often move on different wavelengths. They like the intense and direct approach, and the Gemini likes anything but that.

The Gemini can be very playful and often in the most unlikely of moments! Areas like socializing and friends can be a hot topic in a Scorpio – Gemini relationship. Most Geminis like both, The Scorpio doesn’t. He likes some privacy and wants some time to themselves and recharge, while the Gemini prefers to be out in the world and play with people.
It’s one of those games that works the least without significant compromises on both sides. Of course, some partners are worth it.


Scorpio and Cancer:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

Scorpio and Cancer are both naturally very emotional, possessive and intuitive. As such, their love is usually a whirlwind romance in which both partners value commitment.
Once the Cancer man learns not to take everything personally from the Scorpio, the relationship will run smoothly. Safety is very important to both of them.

However the Scorpio will be the one who wants to be in control and take it too. A Cancer is also very committed to safety, but not as strong as Scorpio. Again, this Scorpio can be extremely possessive, but doesn’t want to be treated as a possession under any circumstances. The Cancer is extremely resourceful and recovers quicker than Scorpio, although the latter exhibits this look much sooner. Despite this, they remain “touched” by unpleasant comments and criticism for a long time. Where Scorpio shows resentment, most Cancers tend to show their feelings differently.

Who is compatible with Scorpio? Cancer is one of the better Scorpio partners in astrology. The weeklyhoroscope Scorpio has this section where you can read who suits you.


Scorpio and Leo:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

No one is as loyal to their partner and friends as Scorpio. It is a trait that makes Leo feel secure. Since the Scorpio is more intent on meeting their own needs than the needs of the Leo or anyone else, conflicts can arise. The Scorpio can resent disagreements and convince the Leo again and again until he/she prevails.

Leo and Scorpio easily reconcile their differences, but lovemaking doesn’t bring them closer over time. When the Leo stops responding to Scorpio’s initiatives, the emotional distance between them grows. It can even go as far as disappointing Scorpio because Leo doesn’t match the picture he or she has in mind.
Who is compatible with Scorpio? The Leo? It could be!


Scorpio and Virgo :

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

Virgo and Scorpio personalities are very different. While Virgo can be reserved and shy, Scorpio, with their strong personality, can be intimidating. Scorpios want to take control of the relationship in their hands, and Virgo makes that easy to achieve.
Your house will be comfortable for all interests and you will be able to coexist without any problems. If you choose to have children, you will be patient and devoted parents who provide their children with a worldly, well-rounded education. Both Virgo and Scorpio are spiritual and fascinated by the small details of life. They explore at a pace that the other is comfortable with. Not too fast and not too slow.

The two of them are two of the most analytical thinkers in the zodiac. Although Aquarius can also do something about it. You may even be therapists for each other, which can strain your relationship. The need for control can escalate into a power struggle if you don’t set your limits. Binding each other tightly to your standards can lead to nitpicking and complete removal.

Read the weeklyhoroscope Scorpio every week.


Scorpio and Libra:


This is a couple who have a sexual relationship that is exciting and challenging at the same time. They connect their erotic drive and are ruled by planets that also control their opposite signs. Both have a complicated sexual relationship as they are ruled by Venus and Mars as if they were made for each other. Their sex life can be incredibly emotional and demanding as the attraction of both is extremely strong and makes them both obsessive and possessive towards each other. They are almost literally so attached that their relationship is impossible to break.
The Libra will be able to bring a sense of security to the sometimes very moody Scorpio, which can make them more emotionally open.

Who is compatible with Scorpio? The scales? Maybe if jealousy, anger, and control issues are the root causes, this couple needs to pull through.


Scorpio and Scorpio:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

When a Scorpio is with a Scorpio, you see something incredibly beautiful. This duo knows each other through and through. As a Scorpio, you don’t have to explain what you’re thinking or feeling to your Scorpio partner. He or she already knows. In the Scorpio/Scorpio relationship, this couple finds comfort in the intimacy they have with one another.
Scorpios are lovers in love affair. They have a sex drive that goes beyond limits! You therefore see a lot of physical connection when two Scorpios fall in love.

They enjoy their privacy. Two Scorpios are happy to spend the rest of their lives in the fortress of love they created. The relationship between two Scorpios develops quickly. There is little time between courtship and full devotion. From the start they have the inexplicable feeling that they belong together. When they look into each other’s eyes, they see what others miss.
Who suits the Scorpio One thing is for sure. Scorpio partners are Scorpio partners!

The weeklyhoroscope Scorpio has this section where you can read who suits you.


Scorpio and Sagittarius:

weeklyhoroscope Scorpio

While freedom and adventure reign supreme in both zodiac signs, they each have their own way of dealing with it. Scorpio seeks thrills and expects an adrenaline rush. Sagittarius is more relaxed and likes to explore new aspects of life at their own pace. Both have a penchant for knowledge and growth, but avoiding potential pitfalls is important to them.

They are looking for the best friend of their lives, but they do it differently. A Sagittarius needs to feel they can pursue their interests without pressure. Scorpio needs a little nudge to reach higher goals and expects their partner to keep them on track. That is why the relationship between a Sagittarius and a Scorpio is one of constant struggle. They cannot decide whether to live their lives on their own terms or give in to the demands of others.

Who is compatible with Scorpio? The astrological answer is no.


Scorpio and Capricorn:


Capricorn and Scorpio tend to be cautious (Capricorn) and thoughtful (Scorpio), and they take a while to get used to each other. While not the quickest to trust and share, these two zodiac signs will discover that they can have a deep connection with one another. The Capricorn is therefore one of the possible Scorpio partners.
When a Scorpio and a Capricorn get together, there’s a lot to see – and the lessons they learn are worth seeing, though sometimes difficult to follow. Scorpio can learn from Capricorn how to control their overheated emotions. However, a Capricorn must be careful not to appear too superficial when criticizing a Scorpio.

Casual comments can backfire with the Scorpio. She desires, demands depth, intense feeling and a high degree of sincerity in all situations – especially in love! Always busy performing and how others see them, Capricorn sometimes doesn’t take chances with their emotions. And a Capricorn learns from a Scorpio the importance of looking beneath the surface of all the noise. Both signs share a love of getting work done.

Who is compatible with Scorpio? When they decide that a relationship is their next big goal, there’s no stopping the two. In this section of the weeklyhoroscope Scorpio you can read who suits you.


Scorpio and Aquarius:


Aquarius, with its reserved passion and imagination, can clash with energetic Scorpio.
The challenge Aquarius and Scorpio face most in their relationship is their inability to balance each other’s emotional needs. Where Aquarius prefers to remain closed and guarded, Scorpio needs expressiveness from time to time.

This can cause problems between Aquarius and Scorpio and hinder the progress of their relationship. Scorpio’s insecurity and associated protection can also be a problem for Aquarius’ urge for freedom and independence in thought and action. The latter cannot stand the feeling of being chained and at the moment he feels imprisoned.

When an Aquarius and a Scorpio are serious about commitment, they must promise to invest in their commitment. If Aquarius and Scorpio succeed, they would have found companionship and contentment for a lifetime.


Scorpio and Pisces:


It is generally accepted among astrologers that Scorpio and Pisces are a perfect match. This pairing can make others quite jealous as they connect on a very deep and satisfying level. Although both are extremely possessive, this can strengthen the relationship. Since Pisces and Scorpio are both ruled by water, they relate to each other almost effortlessly. Both understand the beliefs and values each holds and have a consistent sense of respect for one another.

They believe they are based on intuition and instinct. This is the reason for their enormous attraction to each other and is also responsible for the togetherness between Scorpio and Pisces.
Scorpio’s strong and mysterious personality attracts Pisces, while Pisces’ kind and compassionate demeanor attracts Scorpio. Pisces and Scorpio have the mutual attraction of acquaintance and it is constantly growing.
Scorpio’s erratic behavior and complex personality can be frustrating for most zodiac signs, but it doesn’t deter Pisces in the slightest.

Who is compatible with Scorpio? The Pisces? They are gentle, kind and patient people who have the potential to break down the walls around Scorpio’s emotional side, making them one of the better Scorpio partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Scorpio has this section where you can read who suits you.



Usually you think you are a logical thinking person dear , but this week it will be a bit different. You could think more like a mystic with a high intuition. It is therefore much more active than in recent weeks. Hardly anyone knows why that is, but you do.
You will soon be getting a new piece of equipment for work and that will make you feel like you got a new toy. You want to constantly play with it and discover its possibilities. Even if you are watching TV in the evening, it can still occupy you. Make sure you don’t lose your head because of it.
An unexpected invitation may lead you to meet people from the medical field by then. Make sure to remember their names immediately. That can sometimes be a problem for you. You will succeed if you understand their name well and immediately come up with a mnemonic because you know someone else by that name.

In Spanish it is:
Por lo general, crees que eres una persona con pensamiento lógico, querido , pero esta semana será un poco diferente. Podrías pensar más como un místico con una gran intuición. Por tanto, está mucho más activo que en las últimas semanas. Casi nadie sabe por qué es así, pero tú sí.
Pronto recibirás un nuevo equipo para trabajar y eso te hará sentir como si tuvieras un juguete nuevo. Quieres jugar constantemente con él y descubrir sus posibilidades. Incluso si estás viendo la televisión por la noche, aún puede ocuparte. Asegúrate de no perder la cabeza por eso.
Una invitación inesperada puede llevarte a conocer gente del campo médico para entonces. Asegúrese de recordar sus nombres inmediatamente. A veces eso puede ser un problema para ti. Tendrá éxito si comprende bien su nombre e inmediatamente se le ocurre un mnemotécnico porque conoce a alguien más con ese nombre.

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