Virgo and who fits the Virgo

Aug 23 - Sep 22

The weeklyhoroscope Virgoa tells you what to expect this week.
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The weeklyhoroscope Virgo up to and including Saturday 27/07/2024

The influence of the stars is such that you are longing for something really exciting dear Virgo. You wish to relieve the monotony of your day-to-day routine. It feels as if the magic has gone out of your daily life. You are open to new friendships and are therefore showing a new, unknown side of yourself. People find this side of you a lot more appealing and attractive than the side you are wont to show. You are therefore getting in touch with and attracting people who think differently from the people you’ve met before.
You’ll probably spend some more time daydreaming and in the most extreme case you are even able to escape from reality. Don’t let all this scare you. If you have a partner, he or she doesn’t need to worry about this either. After a short period of excitement you’ll willingly and happily return to your old routine.

In Spanish it is:
La influencia de las estrellas es tal que anhelas algo realmente emocionante, querida Virgo. Deseas aliviar la monotonía de tu día a día. Se siente como si la magia hubiera desaparecido de tu vida diaria. Estás abierto a nuevas amistades y, por tanto, estás mostrando un lado nuevo y desconocido de ti mismo. La gente encuentra este lado tuyo mucho más atractivo y atractivo que el lado que sueles mostrar. Por lo tanto, estarás poniendo en contacto y atrayendo a personas que piensan diferente a las personas que has conocido antes.
Probablemente pasarás más tiempo soñando despierto y en el caso más extremo incluso podrás escapar de la realidad. No dejes que todo esto te asuste. Si tienes pareja, él o ella tampoco tiene que preocuparse por esto. Después de un breve período de emoción, volverás feliz y gustosamente a tu antigua rutina.



Who matches with the Virgo?

Virgo and Aries:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

Virgo seems to have a bad sexual reputation and is often portrayed as the least sexual of all the zodiac signs. Aries has a different need for sexual contact than Virgo. Aries can start out slippery and that has nothing to do with Virgo. If Aries starts out too impetuously, Virgo won’t give up. And then the other qualities must be in balance with each other in order to maintain this relationship for a long time.

But when it comes to her emotional tolerance, the bottom line is that she’s better than her sexual tolerance. However, since Virgo is more of an intellectual sign and Aries confuses love and sexual attraction, creating a good emotional bond between them is not easy, even difficult.
Your best shot at love would be Aries’ silent observation before they live together, as that would give a rational advantage. It would also be good for Aries to think before acting, and Aries don’t usually do that.
Without the sexual involvement, Aries is tolerant and a good listener, and then the friendship can benefit their romantic relationship. He is one of the possible Virgo partners.


Virgo and Taurus:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

Since Taurus and Virgo are two earth signs, the basis for a relationship is there. While these two signs are different enough to get to know each other, they aren’t alike enough to be in a long-term relationship. And when they enter into this relationship with each other, they can firmly collide with each other. They are both very critical and tend to think they are always right. Admittedly, Virgo has fewer problems admitting things. Taurus is much more stubborn. And when you’re up against Taurus, you better avoid his stubbornness.

Virgo’s critical nature may be well-intentioned, but she doesn’t always consider the feelings of others. Taurus’ refusal to give in can constantly lead to a violent fight between these two. This makes him one of the tougher Virgo partners.
Who suits Virgo? The Taurus? Then read on!
The weeklyhoroscope Virgo has a new forecast for you every week


Virgo and Gemini:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

Virgo ambition can do wonders to motivate Gemini as she is very often confused on many fronts. Virgos can be very hard on themselves, even after a minor setback. This is where their Gemini partner helps them a lot by getting them to look at the bigger picture. Gemini brings excitement into Virgo’s life as she teaches Virgo why it’s important to relax every once in a while.

Both Gemini and Virgo easily converse with each other and with others on almost every level. They have no problem sharing the smallest things.
Who suits Virgo? The twins maybe?


Virgo and Cancer:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

The Virgo pats the ears of the Cancer head. She/He either has to endure it or keep parrying. Virgo can be a very harmonious couple with Cancer, bringing out the best in each other. You have a lot in common and will understand each other intuitively, giving you the support and stability you both need. Unlike some partners, Virgo is a person who consistently boosts Cancer’s self-confidence.

They both like to feel needed, safe and loved and they give each other that. Also, you both like order, stability and routine in a relationship, you are both very clingy and enjoy pleasing a partner. It is likely that you will be comfortable with each other. They can both work very hard, albeit for different reasons. Cancer likes to gather that nest egg, while Virgo has an intrinsic need to always be productive. The result is identical and you will respect yourself in this area. They are on the same page financially. Both prefer to spend their money conservatively and both have a great appreciation for the home. They will often prefer to stay indoors than go out to party. Cancer is therefore one of the possible Virgo partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Virgo has a new forecast for you every week


Virgo and Leo:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

Virgo offers a healthy dose of realism in the life of Leo that this Leo sometimes needs. Taking responsibility is one of Leo’s favorite pastimes, but Virgos show they care by helping you put things in order! They will help you take better care of yourself and in return you will give them a constant source of affection and gratitude.

When what appears to be the most confident and outgoing Leo in the zodiac meets shy perfectionist Virgo, sparks may not fly. These two zodiac signs don’t have much in common. Leo is very flashy and likes grand gestures, while Virgo is more reserved and practical. Fiery Leo tends to be self-centered, while earthy Virgo lives to serve others. It’s a competition that shouldn’t work, but that’s partly hypocrisy. These fire and earth signs have more in common.

Although the Virgo represents purity, her or his sexual desires are surprisingly primary. With the Leo it radiates from afar. They are both perfectionists who don’t mind making an effort during sex, focus on it and are always looking for ways to improve.
Who suits Virgo? The Leo?


Virgo and Virgo:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

When two Virgos get together it can feel like each has found their missing piece, they have found their soulmate. Someone who also has their own Virgo traits and manners.
As the relationship grows, Virgos are at their best when they are together. They spend nights and weekends together, delivering meals and having meaningful conversations with very little silence. Because both like to talk.
Few things are more pleasing to a Virgo than sitting still with their thoughts or a good book, and when it comes to sharing what they love with someone they love who is enjoying the same thing, it’s pure bliss.
They visit museums together and like to go for walks together. The Virgo is therefore one of the good Virgo partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Virgo has a new forecast for you every week


Virgo and Libra:

weeklyhoroscope Virgo

Libra and Virgo are two gentle individuals who truly value love and trust. The Libra can be a very charming person who can soothe the shy Virgo in two or three dates. Both enjoy each other’s company and neither is threatened by the other.
When Virgo is really in love with someone, they will give their all in that relationship. You can happily accept all limitations, disappointments, etc. for years. They will sacrifice their egos, dreams and desires and devote themselves entirely to Libra happiness.

On the other hand, Libra, ruled by the feminine Venus, will shower Virgo with her tenderness, affection, and attention.
However, problems in this beautiful relationship can also be present and surface when Libra takes their commitment to Virgo for granted.
Who suits Virgo? The Libra?


Virgo and Scorpio:


Virgo and Scorpio personalities are very different. While Virgo can be reserved and shy, Scorpio, with their strong personality, can be intimidating. Scorpios want to take control of the relationship in their hands, and Virgo makes that easy to achieve.
Your house will be comfortable for all interests and you will be able to coexist without any problems. If you choose to have children, you will be patient and devoted parents who provide their children with a worldly, well-rounded education. Both Virgo and Scorpio are spiritual and fascinated by the small details of life. You both explore at a pace that the other is comfortable with. Not too fast and not too slow.

They are two of the most analytical thinkers in the zodiac. Although Aquarius can also do something about it. You may even be therapists for each other, which can strain your relationship. The need for control can escalate into a power struggle if you don’t mark your boundaries. Binding each other tightly to your standards can lead to nitpicking and complete removal. Who suits Virgo? Scorpio is not at the top of the Virgo partner list.

The weeklyhoroscope Virgo has a new forecast for yo. Read it!


Virgo and Sagittarius:


Virgo can be overly critical of Sagittarius’ carefree attitude at times. The latter is irritating and can lead to an emotional outburst in the shooter. However, the greatest strength of this couple is that both Virgo and Sagittarius are very flexible with their partner. They will not think too much while making changes for the smooth functioning of their relationship. Everyone knows this is important.

Virgo lives a very stable life. Sagittarius exudes exuberant energy all the time. They work completely differently. This is where the biggest problem arises between Sagittarius and Virgo. Virgo likes to think carefully and carefully about the consequences of each step in life. And Sagittarius likes to fly spontaneously and excitedly through life.


Virgo and Capricorn:


Despite some differences between the two signs, the sexual resemblance between Virgo and Capricorn can ultimately be considered more than goodand thery are both earth signs, which makes them a bit stiff and stiff during their sexual activities. If they get over it, things could get exciting between the two. As an earth sign, they also have the patience it takes to adjust to each other’s physical presence in the marriage bed. This allows them to develop their sexual intimacy, which is extremely important to them.

The Virgo is known for her communication skills. Capricorns are extremely diligent and meticulous in their work. This makes the friendly bond between Virgo and Capricorn incredibly good. In a Virgo-Capricorn friendship, Virgo brings virtuosity and Capricorn takes care of the work involved, motivating everyone to join in to achieve the goal.
Virgo is also very good at adaptability. A mutable sign, they can adapt to most situations and most people, especially if the other person is disciplined. And this is Capricorn!

Both zodiac signs are also quite capable of being patient and giving the other time to organize their thoughts during arguments.
Who suits Virgo? It could very well be between these two! He is almost at the top of the list of potential Virgo partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Virgo has a new forecast for you every week. Come back!


Virgo and Aquarius:


Virgo and Aquarius are completely different from each other. The earthly Virgo is more serious and reserved. They are both very organized and work best when everything is moving as it should. Aquarius, on the other hand, is a bit more playful. He/she is known as a very unique individual who lives by their own rules and never goes with the flow.
Both signs have an inner desire to help others. Aquarius is the philanthropist of the zodiac, while Virgo is driven to serve others. As a couple, these two can go either way. But if we delve deeper into the basic workings of both, you’ll see how similar they can be.

First, they are both problem solvers. You like to look at things from all sides in order to find creative solutions. Since Virgo is a sign ruled by Mercury and Aquarius is an air sign, both think logically rather than emotionally. They both love to learn and keep up to date with current events, so they have a lot of fun going back and forth about the things that matter most to them and they will never run out of topics to talk about.


Virgo and Pisces:


Virgo is a solid, stable foundation for the more emotional Pisces. Pisces
brings kindness and an emotional depth that Virgo appreciates. Virgo and Pisces generally have a healthy relationship with each other. They are directly opposite each other in the circle of the zodiac and are therefore usually well balanced as one makes up for the lacking qualities of the other..

The Virgo loves material comfort and sometimes cannot always understand Pisces’ attitude towards it. Their desires in life can be very different, but if and when they can bridge the gap, their relationship will be extremely good.
They are an easygoing, pleasant duo and often spend their time helping others and each other. You bring it together. They also worship each other. They strive for a harmonious relationship and are both very likeable people at heart. Virgo can help Pisces turn dreams and desires into reality. Who suits Virgo? Pisces is definitely one of the potential Virgo partners!
This is all part of the weeklyhoroscope Virgo.


The weeklyhoroscope Virgo has a new forecast for you every week. Do not miss it.




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