Libra and who fits the Libra

Sep 23 - Oct 22

Weeklyhoroscope Libra says they will call you if you have won a Jackpot, but your handy will not ring today. Read what there is more.

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Your weeklyhoroscope Libra up to and including
Saturday 27/07/2024

Your horoscope reaches a certain position of the stars which makes you think about your pension. Even apart from the stars you will probably start making big plans this week. Your foresight and your ability to communicate these plans well and enthusiastically within a circle of interested people, make these plans suitable for commercial use.
These plans only have positive effects and spin-off Libra. Do make sure, though, that you work out the details well and that you don’t leave anything to chance.
The next few weeks you may give the impression of being somewhat arrogant and obstinate. It is not surprising that you’ll be getting a few people’s back up because of this.
Perhaps you should take a look at yourself in the mirror.

In Spanish it is:
Tu horóscopo llega a una determinada posición de los astros que te hace pensar en tu pensión. Incluso aparte de las estrellas, probablemente empieces a hacer grandes planes esta semana. Su previsión y su capacidad para comunicar estos planes bien y con entusiasmo dentro de un círculo de personas interesadas, hacen que estos planes sean adecuados para uso comercial.
Estos planes sólo tienen efectos positivos y spin-off Libra. Sin embargo, asegúrese de resolver bien los detalles y de no dejar nada al azar.
Las próximas semanas puedes dar la impresión de ser algo arrogante y obstinado. No es sorprendente que algunas personas te respalden debido a esto.
Quizás deberías mirarte en el espejo.



Who matches with the Libra?

Libra and Aries?

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

You are polar opposites in many ways. This can lead to both good and bad outcomes, depending on how you look at it and how willing your partner is to compromise. On the one hand, this creates conflicts, but on the other hand, it doesn’t get boring so quickly.
In many ways, Aries have to make more compromises than Libra wants, and compromise isn’t always the solution.
The good news is that the eroticism between these zodiac signs doesn’t get boring either! They have the opportunity to fulfill each other’s fantasies.
Aries isn’t exactly subtle, shy, or easily offended, so Libra can say and do anything without Aries stepping on their toes.
He, the Aries, is cheerful, meaning he or she can be, so when Libra, with their good sense of humor, makes fun of Aries, it’s often well received.
Who fits the Libra? The Aries ?


Libra and Taurus?

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

The relationship between Taurus and Libra has a special quality, because Taurus likes to be comfortable and rely on their sense of touch and taste, and Libra likes everything beautiful and relies on their sense of sight and smell.
Both have Venus as the source of their sexual pleasure. Taurus brings emotion and tenderness to a sexual relationship and Libra relies on its depth and good timing. They will not find it easy to understand what the other wants, and they may seem needy to one another. Despite their differences, they can be quite attracted to each other. They are both gentle lovers who love their relationship without the stress and drama, so with enough patience they would be a really good match.


Libra and Gemini:

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

Gemini is a stubborn partner and Libra tends to be critical of many things their partner says. While for the most part Gemini will simply follow their rational nature and make comments, Libra will find it difficult to name some of the arguments that they might also come up with.
Gemini and Libra can have very hurtful and difficult communication with each other because there is a mutual lack of tolerance. The Gemini is not quick to accept that they lack tolerance. Libras are hurt enough by the pressure on their personality most of the time, even if Gemini means that or nothing wrong.
The Libra can learn from a teacher, but hardly from the know-it-all Gemini.
Who fits the Libra? The Gemini when he’s less of a know-it-all?

The weeklyhoroscope Libra has a section where you can read who suits you.


Libra and Cancer:

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

Cancer likes to build the house, while Libra likes to furnish it with beautiful furniture, which Cancer often finds beautiful. As a result, they complement each other beautifully. Both Zodiac signs like to include their partners in their choices and therefore do everything they can to make and keep each other happy and content.

Cancer and Libra get along well socially and they form a couple that is respected by those around them. They are both people who please others, and they will understand and accept each other’s tendencies to put on a mask in public. However, when Libra and Cancer have a conflict, there is a good chance it will destroy a lot in their relationship. Emotional Cancer doesn’t handle Libra’s criticism well. They have to be careful not to contain their anger, because then it really explodes. Libras also tend to avoid arguments, and when things get out of hand it can be dramatic for the relationship.
Cancer’s emotions can also be difficult for the ever-balanced Libra.


Libra and Leo:

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

The relationship between Libra and Leo is incredible. She can set the pace or support her fiery partner. When Libra showers him with love, care and affection, he will never run away from Libra.. They get into trouble when it comes to money and supporting each other’s careers. While both respect each other’s privacy, neither is ever particularly excited about starting a family together. In general, Leo and Libra make an exciting couple, but the question is will it last? While it is certainly possible, keeping the fire burning in this relationship is no easy task.

Who fits the Libra? The lion? The weeklyhoroscope Libra has a section where you can read who suits you.


Libra and Virgo:

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

Libra and Virgo are two gentle individuals who truly value love and trust. Libra can be a very charming person who can soothe the shy Virgo in two or three dates. Both enjoy each other’s company and neither is threatened by the other.
When the Virgo is really in love with someone, they will give their all in that relationship. You can happily accept all limitations, disappointments, etc. for years. They will sacrifice their egos, dreams and desires and devote themselves entirely to Libra happiness.

On the other hand, Libra, ruled by the feminine Venus, will shower Virgo with her tenderness, affection, and attention.
However, problems in this beautiful relationship can also be present and surface when Libra takes their commitment to Virgo for granted.
Who fits the Libra? The Virgin? Then read again!


Libra and Libra:

Weeklyhoroscope Libra

Libras are happiest when they have someone to share their life with. A close and lasting relationship is at the top of their Libra wish list. Libra demands that the other person is always busy with him or her. As a result, two Libras can regularly have disagreements. This can be the reason why the Libra doesn’t focus enough on their partner.

However, two Libras are unlikely to injure each other. They often hit it off straight away. Libras love to flirt, and two Libras flirt with each other so easily that they quickly want to move on. They enjoy it and each other’s flirtation. Libra talks easily and a lot, but doesn’t really say anything. The secrets stay inside. They are Air signs and therefore keep their conversations (with each other) easy.

Libra is often a physically attractive figure, and two Libras together sometimes look like a constellation.
Who fits the Libra? Yes, another Libra!


Libra and Scorpio:


This is a couple who have a sexual relationship that is exciting and challenging at the same time. They connect their erotic driveand they are ruled by planets that also control their opposite signs. This couple have a complicated sexual relationship as they are ruled by Venus and Mars as if they were made for each other. Their sex life can be incredibly emotional and demanding as the attraction of both is extremely strong and makes them both obsessive and possessive towards each other.

They are almost literally so attached that their relationship is impossible to break. The Libra will be able to bring a sense of security to the sometimes very moody Scorpio, which can make them more emotionally open.
But jealousy, anger, and control issues can be the main causes this couple has to endure.

The weeklyhoroscope Libra has this section where you can read who suits you.


Libra and Sagittarius:


The Sagittarius and the Libra are the most optimistic people of the Zodiac Signs.  Both are outgoing, charismatic, energetic and very sociable. You like friendships and are attractive to the opposite sex.
The eroticism between them never gets boring. One of the best aspects of this relationship is their mutual need for intellectual stimulation on various and diverse subjects. It can be people, places and things.

However, both are afraid of being captured. Additionally, neither  temperament is well suited to family domesticity. So it takes a long time for the nice friendship between them to develop into real love and a bond. But if that’s the case, rest assured that both love and sex will always be happy, playful adventures.
Who fits the Libra? The Sagittarius?


Libra and Capricorn:


The similarities between Libra and Capricorn are few. These two characters have different values and priorities. Libras care deeply about how the world sees them and sees all injustice. Capricorn doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Although these two signs are very different, they can make a relationship work as long as they put in the effort. Libra is an air sign ruled by the planet Venus. They believe the world should be a fair place where everyone is treated equally and cannot stand bullying or racism. The Libra has nothing to do with conflict.

The Capricorn is an earth sign and he is ruled by the planet Saturn. They are proud and carry a lot of responsibility. He is constantly working for later.
They take their responsibilities seriouslyend they will never break a promise made to a friend or relative. The Capricorn does not like being disturbed at work because that work needs to be finished. Before that, they do not rest. And Libra can radiate this calmness like no other. All in all, it can lead to a difficult relationship.

The weeklyhoroscope Libra has a section where you can read who suits you.


Libra and Aquarius:


Aquarius is not the sign that believes in love at first sight. They are far too analytical for that and realize that in love, the heart should not come first, but the mind. So the Aquarius takes the time to get to know someone before deciding if they want to be in a relationship with that person. You value emotional attraction much more than physical attraction and are therefore more thoughtful than any other zodiac sign.
Because of this, they often start a friendship with that person first and then slowly get to the stage of entering into a relationship.

The Libra is often a beautiful and charming person and is very romantic and in this case will spoil the Aquarius! Although he is attracted to intelligent people and partners, he is also looking for the good looking partner. Libras o the contrary are also choosy and they won’t fall in love with someone who doesn’t meet their standards, neither financially nor physically. As soon as the Libra sees you as a partner, she or he will show the back of the tongue. Libra is a good listener and a good conversationalist.
Who fits the Libra? Aquarius is a good candidate!


Libra and Pisces:


Libra and Pisces can create a very balanced romance together. Both zodiac signs are geared towards the aesthetic side of life. They also have a lot to offer each other.
Pisces and Libras are good friends, but certainly also each other’s lovers. They understand each other. Problems between the two are rare, but the  Libra can sometimes manipulate too much for the Pisces.  When they fight, they tend to be quick to forgive and forget. Libras hate arguments and will do almost anything to avoid them. Pisces has a great capacity for empathy and can forgive out of understanding of their partner’s position.

The weeklyhoroscope Libra has a section where you can read who suits you.

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