Taurus and who fits the Taurus

Apr 20 - May 20

The weeklyhoroscope Taurus tells you what to expect this week.
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The weeklyhoroscope Taurus up to and including  Saturday 27/07/2024

You seem to be discovering that there is a spiritual dimension to life which, until shortly, was quite unknown to you. It is therefore easier for you to actually ‘be’ there for your family and for the people within your circle of friends and acquaintances.
You’re better able to place yourself in someone else’s shoes and look at the world through their eyes, from their perspective.
Mystical matters may even have an attraction for you and you could even experience paranormal phenomena. No matter how things turn out, you’ll be hardly self-centred and even less selfish in your contacts with others. You help others without expecting a favour in return. This especially makes you a very lovely and attractive person.
Your attention is drawn to a couple of insurance questions, but you can’t really be bothered too deeply by this subject.

In Spanish it is:
Parece que estás descubriendo que hay una dimensión espiritual en la vida que, hasta hace poco, te era completamente desconocida. Por lo tanto, le resultará más fácil “estar” allí para su familia y para las personas de su círculo de amigos y conocidos.
Serás más capaz de ponerte en el lugar de otra persona y mirar el mundo a través de sus ojos, desde su perspectiva.
Los asuntos místicos pueden incluso tener una atracción para ti e incluso podrías experimentar fenómenos paranormales. No importa cómo resulten las cosas, no serás egocéntrico y menos egoísta en tus contactos con los demás. Ayudas a los demás sin esperar un favor a cambio. Esto te convierte especialmente en una persona encantadora y atractiva.
Le llaman la atención un par de cuestiones sobre seguros, pero este tema no puede preocuparle demasiado.



Who matches with the Taurus?

Taurus and Aries

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

A fundamental problem between Taurus and Aries is that Taurus does not act at the speed of Aries. The Aries is many times faster in its movements than the somewhat slow Taurus. This can end up being a very good thing because both are attracted to each other and then the velocities could be in equilibrium. However, both have a strong will to keep their own pace.
Money can be a problem in this relationship. The Aries prefers to spend it and enjoy it, while Taurus has more fun keeping it and saving it. Some Aries will see this Taurus as frugal, but if you can match each other’s “speed” that’s a good thing. Aries will then appreciate Taurus’ long-term planning and reliability.

This is part of the weeklyhoroscope Taurus


Taurus and Taurus?

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

Sexually, this is a fantastic match. They are both slow, sensual and erotic lovers. The sex between two Taurus is one of the hottest in the zodiac! Maybe that also applies to your Royal couple in London. Both sober, reasonable, loyal. They have high morals and are dependable and respect the same traits in each other. If only all couples with the same Zodiac sign were this good with each other.
Who suits Taurus? Another Taurus seems to be a very good partner!

Read the weeklyhoroscope Taurus every week!


Taurus and Gemini ?

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

The Gemini prefers to be a free person. Some Geminis get a bad rap for leading double lives, but the truth is they will settle for the right match. The Gemini is initially attracted by their shared zest for life. Both are perennial optimists who endure well into adulthood and retain a childlike sense of adventure.
Where they do clash, however, is that the Taurus can’t or won’t always keep up with Gemini’s cultural interests. Taurus doesn’t have this constant need for novelty and analysis. The bottom line is that unless these two have the same taste, it will be difficult for them not to get bored and frustrated.


Taurus and Cancer:

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

The Taurus can also be very compatible with the water signs Cancer and Pisces, as these emotional signs can help bring out Taurus’ softer side. With the Cancer, the relationship is like a slipper that fits. Your erotic and thoughtful love style will be fully appreciated by this emotional and sensitive Cancer. Overall, this is probably a near-perfect match for the two of you. Grab it with both hands and don’t let go!
But watch out for the Cancer! Indulging in their other notion of loyalty, the Taurus is patient for a long time, but once that’s gone, it’s gone!
Who suits Taurus? Cancer is one of Taurus’ better partners.

Read the weeklyhoroscope Taurus next week too!


Taurus and Leo:

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

The Taurus is an earth sign that Lion has a lot of harmonious energy with. Taurus’ sensitive side can bring many warm, fluffy feelings to a relationship with Leo. Most Tauruses are dependable and will never suddenly change things or change plans, which the Leo appreciates. When a relationship between the Leo and the Taurus gets serious, they both make an effort to make it work. However, the Leo loves the good life and the Taurus will never give up earthly pleasures like good food or bubble baths.

You would think these two could bond over their shared love of luxury, but since they are both enduring signs, they could be in constant conflict with one another. The Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of decadence and love. Sure, the Taurus likes the idea of romance. But they are dead serious about bonding. The Leo, on the other hand, is ruled more by the fiery passion of the Sun. This bold sign is charming in social situations, but they can be a bit of a control freak.


Taurus and Virgo:

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

Since the Taurus and the Virgo are two earth signs, the basis for a relationship is there. While these two signs are different enough to get to know each other, they aren’t alike enough to be in a long-term relationship. And when they enter into this relationship with each other, they can firmly collide with each other. They are both very critical and tend to think they are always right. Admittedly, the Virgo has fewer problems admitting things. Most Tauruses are much more stubborn. And if you’re up against the Taurus, you better avoid their stubbornness.
Virgo’s critical nature may be well-intentioned, but she doesn’t always consider the feelings of others. The Taurus’ refusal to give in can constantly lead to a violent fight between the two.
Who suits Taurus? A Virgo? It might be!

Read the weeklyhoroscope Taurus next week too!


Taurus and Libra:


The relationship between Taurus and Libra has a special quality, because Taurus likes to be comfortable and relies on their sense of touch and taste, and the Libra wants everything beautiful and relies on their sight and smell.
Both have Venus as the source of their sexual pleasure. The Taurus brings emotion and tenderness to a sexual relationship and the Libra relies on its depth and good timing. They will not find it easy to understand what the other wants, and they may seem needy to one another. Despite their differences, they can be quite attracted to each other. Both are gentle lovers who love their relationship without the stress and drama, so with enough patience they would be a really good match.


Taurus and Scorpio:


The best Zodiac signs that the Taurus can have a stable relationship with are Cancer, Capricorn and certainly Scorpio.
You will get along well with Scorpio. This Taurus is practical, loyal and reliable in their relationships.
Importantly, there will be plenty of sexual chemistry. Within the zodiac you are polar opposites and you will find each other both fascinating and frustrating. You both can learn endlessly from each other. The Scorpio will enjoy the Taurus’ stability and reliability. Most Tauruses bring out the best in Scorpio. The Scorpio will enjoy Taurus’ openness and most importantly, how little they expect from you in return.

On the surface you are very similar, but underneath you are very different.
Scorpio’s jealousy may clash with Taurus’ stubbornness, but you’re both so loyal that it shouldn’t be a big deal. You also have an equal level of possessiveness, which will likely make you more comfortable than most other couples.
The Scorpio is passionate and emotional while the Taurus is sensual and down to earth. This is a great game!

But beware of collisions! Both of you can be incredibly stubborn and would do well to channel it in the right direction. Who’s Compatible with Taurus? The Scorpio seems to be the strongest, but when the Taurus is angry, he tramples on this Scorpio

The weeklyhoroscope Taurus has every week a new horoscope for you!


Taurus and Sagittarius:

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

This is a couple that will not hit it off that easily. Both signs have very little in common. Cheerful and impulsive, the Sagittarius is the opposite of the Taurus, who is increasingly looking for stability. Taurus is also likely to be annoyed by the speed of Sagittarius’ changing mind. This is not for Taurus. One minute the shooter is asking for attention and the next they are demanding space.

These rapidly changing thoughts collide with the Taurus mindset. The further Taurus is forced to do something different than a minute ago because the Sagittarius has something new in mind, the more the Taurus will dig their heels into the sand and not back down.


Taurus and Capricorn:

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

These two lovebirds will be together forever and will enjoy each other’s company until the end. The reason their bond is so close is so they can have the most sincere respect and love for each other that only true soul mates can offer. Their admiration for the other is almost unnerving, but also incredibly moving. But when the Capricorn has other interests, the story for the Taurus is suddenly over.

But there can be an especially strong relationship when they work closely together. Regardless of whether Capricorn does, you will likely help each other in careers, as the Taurus is very tolerant of long work days and the Capricorn always puts work first.
As an extension, it’s worth noting that this gives a match between these two, which can do anything you want! Taurus is an absolute powerhouse of determination and endurance.

Who suits the Taurus? Working together as a team strengthens this relationship and allows you to appreciate each other.


Taurus and Aquarius:

weeklyhoroscope Taurus

This couple can be a greatone in the long run. The Taurus is a more conservative, traditional, predictable and level-headed partner. Some are very reliable. Most Tauruses are sympathetic personalities, tied to routine and loves regular tasks, which he or she continues to do with joy and diligence. The Taurus does not like to change this methodology. He is a keeper of the past, while the Aquarius is more of a high-tech explorer of the future.

They can both be very stubborn. While this isn’t a problem individually, when combined with someone with a completely different outlook on life, it can cause some problems.
The Taurus likes to plan everything in advance, while the Aquarius prefers a spontaneous approach to life. It’s likely that the Taurus will want a strong commitment from the Aquarius much more than vice versa. Most Tauruses want to know where he or she stands long-term, while the Aquarius wonders what’s for dinner tonight.

In extreme cases, the Aquarius sometimes finds Taurus unimaginative and predictable, while the Taurus can find the Aquarius a bit unconventional and rebellious.
As with anything, compromise, understanding and respect are key.
The weekly horoscope Taurus has every week a new horoscope for you!


Taurus and Pisces:


Pisces and Taurus can be a very good match as long as they continue to appreciate each other’s strengths and don’t want to change. Taurus will try this sooner than Pisces.
The Taurus quickly desires a firm bond in the relationship. They get along well and have strengths in areas that the other lacks. Over time, Taurus will likely feel that Pisces isn’t practical or responsible enough.

They are both passionate, romantic, caring and loyal. Most Pisceses dislikes confrontations and is slightly more flexible than the Taurus. The positive aspects of this are that the Taurus gives the Pisces stability, which makes Pisces feel secure. However, the Taurus is a dominant partner. Even if that doesn’t seem to be the case. Taurus is quite materialistic underwater, while Pisces seems not to be at all.

Who suits THE Taurus? The Pisces and the Taurus have a great sexual match, even if they experience it very differently.

The weeklyhoroscope Taurus has every week a new horoscope for you!

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