Aries and who fits the Aries

Mar 21 - Apr 19

The weeklyhoroscope Aries tells you what to expect this week.
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Your weeklyhoroscope Aries up to and including Saturday 27/07/2024

This is going to be a rather nice week for the Aries and you may thank yourself for that. You’ll be looking at the world through rose-coloured glasses and enjoy it thoroughly. Gone are the low spirits and your pessimistic attitude. You’ll feel this week as if there are no mountains too high for you.
Live ‘mindfully’: consciously appreciate every nice event, every pleasant occasion, however small and seemingly insignificant it may (at first) appear. Be fully aware of how pleased and content these can make you feel. Even in times of utter confusion and despair people may experience moments of utter satisfaction and contentment. You as a proper Aries will certainly be able to so this week.
Cherish these feelings, because these are the best moments of your life. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could arouse these feelings with the press of a button? Only very few people are able to do so though.
Make an appointment with a few members of your family, a couple of friends or acquaintances for a nice outing, but also to ‘just’ spend a couple of warm, cosy hours together. This will do everyone a lot of good. What is this thing with an Ipad?

In Spanish it is:
Esta será una semana bastante agradable para Aries y quizás te lo agradezcas. Mirarás el mundo a través de lentes color de rosa y lo disfrutarás plenamente. Atrás quedaron el mal humor y tu actitud pesimista. Esta semana sentirás que no hay montañas demasiado altas para ti.
Viva ‘conscientemente’: aprecie conscientemente cada acontecimiento agradable, cada ocasión placentera, por pequeña y aparentemente insignificante que pueda parecer (al principio). Sea plenamente consciente de lo complacido y contento que estos pueden hacerle sentir. Incluso en tiempos de absoluta confusión y desesperación, las personas pueden experimentar momentos de absoluta satisfacción y contentamiento. Usted, como verdadero Aries, seguramente podrá hacerlo esta semana.
Aprecia estos sentimientos, porque son los mejores momentos de tu vida. ¿No sería maravilloso si pudieras despertar estos sentimientos con solo presionar un botón? Sin embargo, muy pocas personas pueden hacerlo.
Concierte una cita con algunos miembros de su familia, un par de amigos o conocidos para pasar una agradable excursión, pero también para “simplemente” pasar un par de horas cálidas y acogedoras juntos. Esto les hará mucho bien a todos. ¿Qué es esto del Ipad?



Who matches with the Aries?

With another Aries?

weeklyhoroscope Aries

So an Aries with an Aries are passionate lovers and for once the other will not only be able to match but fully appreciate it. Make sure you don’t want to be the only one, but also give the other person a chance.
You are both very independent and impulsive and you both love a good fight. That can work very well. Much better than other couples who share the same zodiac sign.
Who is compatible with Aries ? Another Aries?



Aries and Taurus:

weeklyhoroscope Aries

A fundamental problem between Taurus and Aries is that Taurus does not move at the speed of Aries. The Aries is many times faster in its movements than the somewhat slow Taurus. This can end up being a very good thing because both are attracted to each other and then the velocities could be in equilibrium. However, both have a strong will to keep their own pace.

Money can be a problem in this relationship. Aries prefers to spend it and enjoy it, while Taurus has more fun holding it and thus saving it. He will see this Taurus as frugal, but if you can match each other’s “speed” that’s a good thing. An Aries will then appreciate Taurus’ long-term planning and reliability.

The weeklyhoroscope Aries has a new forecast for you every week. Read it!



Aries and Gemini:

weeklyhoroscope Aries

They go well with Gemini. He or she will give you the air you need to keep the fire of Aries burning. This is a great match and you’re complimenting yourself almost constantly. You have a lot in common and you will find that your Aries lover can turn you on a lot. Cheers under the blanketsl!
Your need for communication is balanced. Admittedly, Aries is more passionate and adventurous than Gemini and Aries awakens that in Gemini too.

He is also naturally a bit more aggressive than Gemini, which is what makes them so exciting for you. Neither of you are particularly emotional, needy or jealous, are you?
Both want a really committed relationship, but you can’t live without each other either. Quitting is not an end in itself for either of you, although it often ends well. And if not, none of you have a problem with it.
Who is compatible with Aries? The Gemini seems to be a good match!



Aries and Cancer:

weeklyhoroscope Aries

If you can both adapt to each other’s styles, it’s a relationship that will steadily improve over time. You both need to be patient, tolerant, and as less touchy as possible.
A brave and outspoken partner by Cancer standards, Aries will likely never match Cancer’s level of sensitivity or empathy. The sooner Cancer can accept and appreciate this, the easier it will be emotionally for Aries.

An Aries can become quite aggressive when criticized, which can easily become a dire situation if Cancer isn’t on their guard.
Cancer may see the Aries lover as overly impulsive, indifferent, and domineering, and Cancer will see you as overly sensitive, emotional, and irritable.
It is almost always a relationship of water and fire! This Cancer is not one of Aries’ main partners.
Do not forget  to read the weeklyhoroscope Aries every week?



Aries and a Leo:

weeklyhoroscope Aries

They are an excellent match for a Leo. You are both fire signs. That means you can flame both, but the flames also go out just as easily and then all is well. Because continuing to sulk is not an option for either of you.
This is potentially a fantastic match. Leo with Aries will get along without any real problem.. They have personalities that complement each other well and simply. You are both quite aggressive, selfish and passionate, but above all funny. They can always inspire each other and hide each other’s weaknesses.

Both want to lead and that doesn’t bother them, contrary to what often leads to rivalry and discord with others. The best approach is to get Aries to believe that everything is their idea. If Leo masters this skill, it will do a lot of good for your relationship!
There is a possible dissonance. Aries doesn’t want to know if you’ve had a sexual topper before! So dear Leo, keep yoour mouth! In other words: shut up.

Who is compatible with Aries? Leo is at the top of the list of Aries partners.



Aries and Virgo:

weeklyhoroscope Aries

Virgo seems to have a bad sexual reputation and is often portrayed as the least sexual of all the zodiac signs. Aries has a different need for sexual contact than Virgo. Aries can start out slippery and that has nothing to do with Virgo. If Aries starts out too impetuously, Virgo won’t give up. And then the other qualities must be in balance with each other in order to maintain this relationship for a long time.

But when it comes to her emotional tolerance, the bottom line is that she’s better than her sexual tolerance. However, since Virgo is more of an intellectual sign and Aries confuses love and sexual attraction, creating a good emotional bond between them is not easy, even difficult.
Your best shot at love would be Aries’ silent observation before they live together, as that would give a rational advantage. It would also be good for Aries to think before acting, and Aries don’t usually do that.

Without the sexual involvement, Aries is tolerant and a good listener, and then the friendship can benefit their romantic relationship. This Virgo is therefore one of the possible Aries partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Aries has a new forecast for you. Do not miss it.



Aries and Libra:


They are polar opposites in many ways. This can lead to both good and bad outcomes, depending on how you look at it and how willing your partner is to compromise. On the one hand, this creates conflicts, but on the other hand, it doesn’t get boring so quickly.
In many ways, Aries have to make more compromises than Libra wants, and compromise isn’t always the solution.

The good news is that the eroticism between these zodiac signs doesn’t get boring either! They have the opportunity to fulfill each other’s fantasies.
Aries isn’t exactly subtle, shy, or easily offended, so Libra can say and do anything without Aries stepping on their toes.
He is cheerful or she can be, so when Libra, with their good sense of humor, makes fun of Aries, it’s often well received.
Who is compatible with Aries? Libra is one of the possible Aries partners.



Aries and Scorpio:


Aries with Scorpio is an explosive match. So be careful! Sooner or later you will find that you have a much deeper emotional level than he does.
They both want to be in control and are strong willed. Aries will try to get the upper hand aggressively, while Scorpio will try to do so more covertly and passively. If that sounds like an easy win, think again. Scorpio will drive you insane with their jealousy, insight and inquisitive eyes.

The good news is that you are an open person by nature, so you will particularly like what you find. But before you know it, this partner understands you better than you understand yourself. You’ll know it’s for the right reasons, which makes it both flattering and annoying.

The weeklyhoroscope Aries has a new forecast for you every week. Come back to read it.



Aries and Sagittarius:


Sagittarius and Aries are both fire signs, so you can expect some serious, erotic passion between the two. This makes a dynamic couple. They have an insane amount of energy to bring to the relationship, which only gets stronger as it grows. They both appreciate each other’s wild enthusiasm for each other and life around each other.

When Aries and Sagittarius start a sexual relationship, it can get pretty fun. Sagittarius has this innate ability to poke fun at almost anything. Aries’ seriousness about sex gives Sagittarius a strong urge to joke.
Sagittarius loves their cheerful personality. When it comes to Sagittarius optimism and good humor, they protect themselves from anything too serious or difficult.

While Aries can be a bit vain when it comes to their sexual prowess and accomplishments, in most cases Sagittarius is able to break through that wall of strict, sexual tension and lead them into a more relaxed zone where they can especially relax and unwind can experiment. Who is compatible with Aries? The shooter? It could be.



Aries and Capricorn:

weeklyhoroscope Aries

Capricorn and Aries can get along when the friction between them is gone, and that could be, for example, when one of the two is socially successful or wealthy. If not, there is constant friction. In terms of temperament, they have little in common. Capricorn moves more cautiously towards its preset goal. Stability is what you both want, but each in their own way. Aries is much more impulsive than Capricorn.

As in other parts of the relationship, Aries is likely to move too quickly for Capricorn to truly appreciate each other.

The weeklyhoroscope Aries has a new forecast for you every week. Read it!


Aries and an Aquarius:


Aries is attracted to Aquarius’ unpredictable, highly analytical mind and unique style. He’s a fire sign and you, Aquarius, are an air sign, although many people think you’re a water sign. Aries will enjoy how uninhibited and independent you are.
They are both impulsive and daring lovers and will appreciate each other’s inhibitions and sense of adventure. Chances are, Aries will want to have sex more often than you.

Open-minded Aquarius will do a lot to build admiration for Aries. Aries, in turn, will help realize Aquarius’ wayward dreams. This can be an important ingredient in keeping the Aries and Aquarius relationship going well. Both partners can learn a lot from each other, but in order to do that, they must be willing to just put their egos aside and really open themselves to each other’s ideas.
They will value each other’s company and try to make the most of their relationship. Who is compatible with Aries? The Aquarius?



Aries and Pisces:


You both have to make compromises and come to a mutual consensus. You are quite attracted to each other. Aries will no doubt mean well, but emotionally, Aries has a habit of trampling on anything that gets in their way. The fish doesn’t need that. Once the initial tension subsides, there’s a good chance that Aries will get bored with Pisces’ romantic, sensitive nature and be less concerned with controlling their fiery nature.

Many compromises are necessary in this respect.
Matching Aries With a Pisces, it remains a Water-Fire relationship and therefore Pisces is not on the list of important Aries partners.

The weeklyhoroscope Aries has a new forecast. Please, come back!

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