Cancer and who fits the Cancer

Jun 21 - July 22

The weeklyhoroscope Cancer tells you what to expect this week.
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The weeklyhoroscope Cancer up to and including Saturday 27/07/2024

There’s a very dear old friend you haven’t seen for quite a while. He or she could, of course, take the initiative to call or to visit you. But something is holding him or her back since you broke off the conversation rather abruptly, the last time you saw each other. You were busy as a bee with your Ipad and or professional occupations when this happened. It would therefore not be unreasonable for you to take the first step towards mending the friendship, because you have something to make up for, even though you may not see this so clearly yourself.
You may even live under the impression that there still is a dear, mutual friendship between you. But in reality it is rather one-sided. You are the one who does the talking. This Taurus always listens to you and is quite unable to say his or her piece. The person in question may have slipped from your mind. Do try investing some energy in bringing this person back to mind. If you renew the friendship, you’ll hear a surprising piece of news.

In Spanish it is:
Hay un viejo amigo muy querido al que no has visto en mucho tiempo. Por supuesto, él o ella podría tomar la iniciativa de llamarle o visitarle. Pero algo lo está frenando desde que interrumpieron la conversación de manera bastante abrupta la última vez que se vieron. Estabas muy ocupado con tu Ipad o tus ocupaciones profesionales cuando esto sucedió. Por lo tanto, no sería descabellado que dieras el primer paso para reparar la amistad, porque tienes algo que compensar, aunque tú mismo no lo veas tan claramente.
Incluso puede vivir bajo la impresión de que todavía existe una querida amistad mutua entre ustedes. Pero en realidad es más bien unilateral. Tú eres quien habla. Este Taurus siempre te escucha y es incapaz de decir lo que dice. Es posible que la persona en cuestión se haya olvidado de usted. Intente invertir algo de energía en recordar a esta persona. Si renuevas la amistad, escucharás una noticia sorprendente.



Who matches with the Cancer?

Cancer with an Aries:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

If you can both adapt to each other’s styles, it’s a relationship that will steadily improve over time. You both need to be patient, tolerant, and as less touchy as possible.
A brave and outspoken partner by Cancer standards, Aries will likely never match Cancer’s level of sensitivity or empathy. The sooner Cancer can accept and appreciate this, the easier it will be emotionally for Aries.
Some Aries can become quite aggressive when criticized, which can easily become a dire situation if Cancer isn’t on their guard.

Cancer may see the Aries lover as overly impulsive, indifferent, and domineering, and Cancer will see you as overly sensitive, emotional, and irritable.
Who Matches Cancer ? In Aries there is an almost continuous relationship of water and fire!

The weeklyhoroscope Cancer has a new forecast for you every wee. Read it!


Cancer with a Taurus:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

The Taurus can also be very compatible with the water signs Cancer and Pisces as these emotional signs can help bring out the softer side of Taurus. With Cancer, the relationship is like a slipper that fits. Your erotic and thoughtful love style will be fully appreciated by this emotional and sensitive Cancer.
Overall, this is probably a near-perfect match for the two of you. Grab it with both hands and don’t let go!
But watch out for the Cancer! Indulging in their other notion of loyalty, Taurus is patient for a long time, but once that’s gone, it’s gone!


The Cancer with a Gemini:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

The sentimental Cancer needs to feel emotionally secure and connected in a relationship and he and she lead with the heart while the Gemini leads with the head. In order for their relationship to last, both of them have to adapt a little. Some Gemini will almost never change for anyone. The best Cancer can do is give Gemini enough freedom.
Geminis need to keep it interesting and the Cancer needs to be heard and felt. If they give each other enough freedom and understanding, they can be like children in love.
The weeklyhoroscope Cancer has a new forecast for you every week


The Cancer with a Cancer:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

You are both very emotional and need and give each other affection all the time, making you ideal partners in this field. Both are moody, but you quickly understand each other. The two of you are very considerate lovers and you love a beautiful home and need financial security. But beware of that constant subcutaneous jealousy of each other. You know the other person has different ideas about fidelity than you do, but that bothers you about your Cancer partner!
If you stay together for a long time, it will pass. But in the meantime, you can really hurt each other.
Who Matches Cancer? Another Cancer?


Cancer with a Leo:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

The Leo man has and has nothing to do with astrology. Cancer does, and you will be fine as long as you avoid this topic. The lobster is a little more sensitive than this lion.
Under stress, Leo becomes stubborn and stubborn and Cancer can act as a subtle manipulative personality. De Leo is working hard to realize his plans.

Given a choice, Cancer would choose a quiet and stable life without glamour. Leo, on the other hand, likes to shake things up and embrace the unexpected, the romance and the greatness of life. While a Leo and a Cancer can emotionally venture into a relationship, each of them can continue to follow their natural instincts. However, if they haven’t made their love intentions clear, they can find themselves on a never-ending emotional rollercoaster ride.
The weeklyhoroscope Cancer has a new forecast for you. Do not miss it.


The Cancer with a Virgo:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

The Virgo pats the ears of the Cancer head. He either she has to endure it or keep parrying. Virgos can be a very harmonious couple with Cancer, bringing out the best in each other. You have a lot in common and will understand each other intuitively, giving you the support and stability you both need. Unlike some partners, Most  Virgos are persons who consistently boosts Cancer’s self-confidence.
They both like to feel needed, safe and loved and they give each other that. Also, you both like order, stability and routine in a relationship, you are both very clingy and enjoy pleasing a partner. It is likely that you will be comfortable with each other.

They can both work very hard, albeit for different reasons. Cancer likes to gather that nest egg, while the Virgo has an intrinsic need to always be productive.
The result is identical and you will respect yourself in this area. They are on the same page financially. Both prefer to spend their money conservatively and both have a great appreciation for the home. They will often prefer to stay indoors than go out to party.
Who Matches Cancer? A Virgo?


The Cancer with the Libra:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

The Cancer likes to build the house, while the Libra likes to furnish it with beautiful furniture, which the Cancer often finds beautiful. As a result, they complement each other beautifully. Both Zodiac signs like to include their partners in their choices and therefore do everything they can to make and keep each other happy and content.

Cancer and Libra get along well socially and they form a couple that is respected by those around them. They are people who please others, and they will understand and accept each other’s tendencies to put on a mask in public. However, when the Libra and the Cancer have a conflict, there is a good chance it will destroy a lot in their relationship. Emotional Cancer doesn’t handle Libra’s criticism well.

They have to be careful not to contain their anger, because then it really explodes. The Libras also tend to avoid arguments, and when things get out of hand it can be dramatic for the relationship.
Cancer’s emotions can also be difficult for the ever-balanced Libra.
Did you know that the weeklyhoroscope Cancer has a new forecast.


The Cancer with a Scorpio:

Weeklyhoroscope Cancer

Scorpios and Cancers are highly emotional by nature, possessive, intuitive and emotional. As such, their love is usually a whirlwind romance in which both partners value commitment.
Once the Cancer man learns not to take everything personally from the Scorpio, the relationship will run smoothly. Safety is very important to both of them. However, Scorpios will be the one who wants to be in control and take it too. The Cancer is also very committed to safety, but not as strong as Scorpio.

Again, this Scorpio can be extremely possessive, but doesn’t want to be treated as a possession under any circumstances. The Cancer is extremely resourceful and recovers quicker than the Scorpio, although the latter exhibits this look much sooner. Despite this, they remain “touched” by unpleasant comments and criticism for a long time. Where the Scorpio shows resentment, the Cancer tends to show their feelings differently.
Who Matches Cancer? This couple is considered one of the better in the astrology.


Cancer with a Sagittarius:


Dear Cancer, you are a water sign and the Sagittarius is a fire sign. Last one is a bit more assertive than the Cancer! So make sure you arm yourself against it.
Water and Fire signs are two extremes and that is exactly what needs to be considered when working together and merging the Cancer (Water sign) and the Sagittarius (Fire sign). Their personality traits are different in every way.. Cancers, for example, are very emotional and peace-loving. They like to stay in their comfort zone and have a great desire for stability, security, family and home. In addition, Cancers are so sensitive that they cannot hear anything bad around them.

The Sagittarius is much more positive and always hopeful. He/she doesn’t worry too much about what to expect. They like to push the boundaries of sensitivity. Sagittarius is also perceptive enough to let a patient hear how well things can go. Given these contrasting qualities, one would certainly not look favorably on their union. But there is hope. They need to consider each other for their relationship to work and have their noses pointing in the same direction.

If the Cancer avoids arguments with this Sagittarius because they’re pretty good at it, after all, things can go well. There is a lot of cheering together under the wool!
Did you know that the weeklyhoroscope Cancer has a new forecast?


Cancer with a Capricorn:


You are an Earth and a Water sign. Both signs seek comfort, security, and balance in a relationship. Basically you have. This relationship can start very early and up to parenthood you can excel together.
There are differences. The nature of water is emotional while earth is more practical. If there is a problem in the relationship, the Capricorn earth sign may want the Cancer to get to the point so they can figure out how to fix it. But Cancer wants it differently. The Capricorn needs to learn to understand Cancer’s feelings. And conversely, Cancer needs to understand Capricorn’s approach to business.

The Capricorn may seem cold or overly harsh to the Cancer, but they don’t feel that way at all.
Who Matches the Cancer? If the Cancer can handle it, then this relationship will have a very long life.


Cancer with an Aquarius:


The constantly analyzing Aquarius does little for his or her gut. Also because the Aquarius is often right. In addition. The Aquarius is a loyal partner and the Cancer has different ideas about loyalty. The Cancer is emotionally sure of this, but not always physically.

The Aquarius can sometimes be very matter-of-fact and much too harsh for the Cancer, they don’t mean it that way. But the Aquarius says what they mean easily, hits the mark and that’s something the Cancer almost never does. It goes sideways, on one side, then the other, and sometimes it doesn’t reach that goal. The Aquarius thinks this is bad technique.
In short: There are many breaking points in this relationship that can seriously undermine the relationship.
Did you know that the weeklyhoroscope Cancer has a new forecast for you? Come back later!


Cancer and Pisces:


A Pisces man with a Cancer woman definitely means a lot of cheering under the wool and that seems to be enough for a long and balanced relationship. THe Cancer takes sex seriously and uses it to strengthen emotional bonds. You are both so intuitive that you know what the other wants. The two oof you can be romantic and sentimental and get along, which gives you the stability you need in a relationship.

The Cancer is an emotional but sometimes moody person, depending on the phase of the moon, and they need someone to keep up with that. Most Pisces can do what makes them an ideal partner for the Cancer.
Some Cancers react slower than Pisces, which has already landed in the next conversation while the Cancer is still thinking about the previous conversation.
Financially, the Cancer is a planner for the future to build some security, while Pisces is unlikely to do either.

As a partner, you are therefore an excellent match, because this supplement exists. You both enjoy your home and therefore quickly prefer to stay at home to going out.
Who Matches Cancer? It’s a beautiful combination!




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