Capricorn and who fits the Capricorn

Dec 22 - Jan 19

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The weeklyhoroscope Capricorn up to and including
Saturday 14/09/2024

There is a lot of positive activity going on around your house dear Capricorn! You are busy with all sorts of things in and around your home. You want to straighten everything out and make sure that everything is in shipshape, apple-pie order. This is a noble ambition which will work out well. It is better to buy something of good quality once than to buy an inferior article which has to be replaced within a few years. You’ll always regret buying the inferior stuff of poor quality.
Unfortunately, someone holding different opinions is trying to dissuade you. The advice to you is therefore: Do what you yourself want to do and not what someone else likes to see you doing.



Who matches with the Capricorn?

Capricorn and Aries?
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

The Capricorn and the Aries can get along when the friction between them is gone, and they might, for example, if one of the two is socially successful or wealthy.  In terms of temperament, they have little in common. Most Capricorns move more cautiously towards its preset goal. Stability is what you both want, but each in their own way. Aries is much more impulsive than Capricorn.
As in other parts of the relationship, The Aries is likely to move too quickly for Capricorn to truly appreciate each other. Doesn’t Aries therefore belong to the possible Capricorn partners? That is not said.


Capricorn and Taurus?
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

These two lovebirds will be together forever and will enjoy each other’s company until the end. The reason their bond is so close is so they can have the most sincere respect and love for each other that only true soul mates can offer. Their admiration for the other is almost unnerving, but also incredibly moving. But when Capricorn has other interests, the story for Taurus is suddenly over.
There can be an especially strong relationship when they work closely together. Regardless of whether Capricorn does, you will likely help each other in careers, as the Taurus is very tolerant of long work days and Capricorn always puts work first.

As an extension, it’s worth noting that this gives a match between these two, which can do anything you want! Taurus is an absolute powerhouse of determination and endurance. Working together as a team strengthens this relationship and allows you to appreciate each other. So the Taurus can give a positive answer to the question: Who is compatible with Capricorn?
The weeklyhoroscope Capricorn has a section where you can read who suits you.


Capricorn and Gemini:
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

Initially, the Capricorn is likely to be attracted to Gemini ‘s quick wit, smart sense of humor and easygoing personality. He or she is a partner who lives to have fun. This can be a problem if you’re a Capricorn with a strict “work first, play later” attitude.
By Capricorn standards, the Gemini often prefer a rather wild and reckless lifestyle in contrast to Capricorn.  Most Geminis are also known to enjoy playing games within a relationship, and some of these can annoy Capricorn. He/she values security and loyalty and most Geminis can easily make their partners jealous!
While you both often work hard, Gemini isn’t usually as ambitious as Capricorn, preferring lucky strikes to old-fashioned hard work. Money can be an issue in this relationship. The Capricorn likes to keep it, while Gemini prefers to spend it.
Who is compatible with the Capricorn? The Gemini?



Capricorn and Cancer:
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

You are an earth and a water sign. Both signs seek comfort, security, and balance in a relationship. Basically you have. This relationship can start very early and up to parenthood you can excel together. That makes Cancer one of the Capricorn partners.
There are differences. The nature of water is emotional while earth is more practical. If there is a problem in the relationship the Capricorn earth sign may want the Cancer to get to the point so they can figure out how to fix it. But the Cancer wants it differently.

The Capricorn needs to learn to understand Cancer’s feelings. And conversely, Most Cancers need to understand the Capricorn’s approach to business.
Some Capricorns may seem cold or overly harsh to Cancer, but they don’t feel that way at all. If the Cancer can handle it, then this relationship will last a very long time.
Who is compatible with Capricorn? Cancer has a good chance.
Read your weeklyhoroscope Capricorn every week and come back again.


Capricorn and Leo:
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Capricorn by Saturn. But despite all similarities, they are not always balanced. The Sun gives Leo confidence and leadership qualities. Capricorn is more conventional and also tends to hold grudges for a long time. They, Leo and Capricorn, can have completely different views on life. Therefore, the cooperation of these two signs is not always easy. But relationships can be strengthened through mutual understanding and empathy. The positive traits of this fire and earth sign can even help them create a good life and a bright future for themselves.

Those similarities between these two can be difficult. They are characterized by kindness, ambition, determination and loyalty to loved ones. The qualities of trustworthiness and generosity are also common to both.
But the Capricorn can fight with the Leo’s flamboyant qualities. Instead the Capricorn revolves around simple things, avoiding the Leo’s theatrical “actions” whenever possible.
Who is compatible with Capricorn? The Leo? Then read again!



Capricorn and Virgo:
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

Despite some differences between the two signs, the sexual resemblance between Virgo and Capricorn can ultimately be considered more than good. Capricorn and Virgo are both earth signs, which makes them a little stiff (!) during their sexual activities. If they get over it, things could get exciting between the two. As earth signs, they also have the patience it takes to adjust to each other’s physical presence in the marriage bed. This allows them to develop their sexual intimacy, which is extremely important to them.
Virgo is known for her communication skills.

Capricorns are extremely diligent and meticulous in their work. This makes the friendly bond between Virgo and Capricorn incredibly good. In a Virgo – Capricorn friendship, Virgo brings virtuosity and Capricorn takes care of the work involved, motivating everyone to join in to achieve the goal.
Virgo is also very good at adaptability. A mutable sign, they can adapt to most situations and most people, especially if the other person is disciplined.
Both Zodiac signs are also quite capable of being patient and giving the other time to organize their thoughts during arguments.
Who is compatible with Capricorn? Virgo can be one of the Capricorn partners. The weeklyhoroscope Capricorn! Read it every week.


Capricorn and Libra:
Weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

The similarities between Libra and Capricorn are few. They have different values and priorities. Libras care deeply about how the world sees them and sees all injustice. The Capricorn doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Although these two signs are very different, they can make a relationship work as long as they put in the effort. Libra is an air sign ruled by the planet Venus. They believe the world should be a fair place where everyone is treated equally. They cannot stand bullying or racism. They have nothing to do with conflict. You can tell lies to keep the peace.

The Capricorn is an earth sign and Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorns are proud and carry a lot of responsibility. Capricorn is constantly working for later. They take their responsibilities seriously. They will never break a promise made to a friend or relative. They don’t like being disturbed at work because that work needs to get done. Before that, they do not rest. The Libra can radiate this calm like no other. All in all, it can lead to a difficult relationship. Virgo one of the Capricorn partners?

Read your weeklyhoroscope Capricorn here every week.


Capricorn and Scorpio:

Capricorn and Scorpio are usually cautious (Capricorn) and thoughtful (Scorpio) and they take a while to get to know the other person. While not the quickest to trust and share, these two zodiac signs will discover that they can have a deep connection with one another.
When Scorpio and Capricorn come together, there is a lot to see. The lessons they learn are worth witnessing, though sometimes difficult to follow. Scorpio can learn from Capricorn how to control their overheated emotions. However, Capricorn must be careful not to appear too superficial when criticizing Scorpio. Casual comments can backfire with Scorpio. It demands and demands depth, intense feeling and the utmost sincerity in all situations; especially in love! Always busy performing and how others see them.

Capricorn sometimes doesn’t take chances with their emotions. Capricorn learns from Scorpio the importance of looking beneath the surface of all the noise. Both signs share a love of getting work done. When they decide that a relationship is their next big goal, there’s no stopping them.
Who is compatible with Capricorn? Scorpio can belong to the possible circle of Capricorn partners.
The weeklyhoroscope Capricorn has this section where you can read who suits you.


Capricorn and Sagittarius:

Sagittarius has that optimistic smile that can certainly bring a smile to Capricorn’s face as well, and it will be much easier for Sagittarius’ fiery, creative ideas due to Capricorn’s hands-on approach. If they don’t expect change from each other, chances are they really get along.
Every Capricorn desires meaning and depth in their physical encounters because they are slow and thorough. Sagittarius often does not understand that Capricorn has a different pace, nor does they see the importance of the world and their work that Capricorn is responsible for or thinks they are. If they share the same desires early in their relationship, they may not see how incompatible they really are. This can really get in the way of their sex life.

The only way they can ever stay in a healthy sexual relationship is for Sagittarius to respect the physical, just like Capricorn loosens up and respects this Sagittarius’ change. There is something unreal about the sexual contact of these signs. Even if they are attracted to each other and form a sexual bond, after their time they may feel like they shouldn’t have gotten together. They have different views on all sorts of things, but mostly on the sexual level.
The best thing about this contact is their mutual protective function. Both signs stand for protection. If they are looking for someone who will not allow intervention, interference, etc. from other people, this relationship might be the best choice.


Capricorn and Capricorn:
weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

A Capricorn and a Capricorn make a great pair for a Capricorn partner because they both expect very similar things from their relationship. Both are future-oriented. Work now to benefit later. You can take criticism well when it comes from your partner. In a relationship, they can express their feelings in a variety of ways, including giving each other gifts, doing favors for each other, and finishing their partner’s work when necessary. They will have a lot of respect for each other and look forward to working together to achieve their dreams. As two earth signs, they are likely to have a calm and practical approach to dealing with their disagreements on business issues. If these two can remember to spice things up sometimes, they’ll be a couple destined for greatness.

Respect for one another is the magic word in this relationship. They trust each other effortlessly. Still, it’s important for the two to talk to each other about the expectations of their relationship. If they don’t, they can grow apart.
Who is compatible with Capricorn? Another Capricorn? It could be!
The weeklyhoroscope Capricorn has this section where you can read who suits you.



Capricorn and Aquarius:
weeklyhoroscope Capricorn

Although they occasionally clash on the surface due to their different interests, deep down they are true soul mates. To strengthen their bond, they can count on their genuine affection for one another.
The similarities between Aquarius and Capricorn are strong enough to make their relationship last. Both are ruled by the planet Saturn. This is the planet that moves slowly.

Hardworking Capricorn strives for stability later in life. They are old-fashioned in love and want their partners to be totally devoted to them. On the other hand, Aquarius has great vision and will follow his or her ideals no matter what. Aquarius is independent and can be unpredictable. And Capricorn has to be able to deal with that. So doesn’t Aquarius belong in the ranks of Capricorn partners?



Capricorn and Pisces:

Capricorn appreciates the friendly nature of Pisces and Pisces is attracted to Capricorn’s quick wit and discipline.
Most Capricorns are a level-headed and highly disciplined worker with a very high work ethic. Their goal is to achieve something in life. Pisces is emotional and likes to talk to the people around them. This couple is honest and can stand up for each other. They admire each other.
Over time, this relationship can grow stronger. They can put their heads together and achieve their common goal. Difficulties can arise when Capricorn becomes too dominant for the sensitive Pisces. Pisces needs to understand that this is the Capricorn style.

The Pisces likes to spoil Capricorn with their desire for domestic happiness and their need for a tidy house with material goods.
Who is compatible with Capricorn? A fish maybe? The weeklyhoroscope Capricorn has this section where you can read who suits you.

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